"Rumors, lies and scandal…" und "NXL on ESPN: The Inside Track", so nennen sich die beiden aktuellsten Artikel bei P8ntballer. Im erstgenannten Artikel geht es um Spielerwechsel, wie zum Beispiel Jon Richardson (wechselte für 20.000$ und Bezahlung pro Spiel von Infamous zu XSV), oder dem Namenwechsel von "Arsenal" in "San Antonio Arsenal", noch mehr Spielerwechseln und noch mehr Spielerwechsel.
Im NXL Artikel geht es um die Fernsehausstrahlung auf ESPN und ihre Einschaltquote. 760.000 Haushalte haben die Ausstrahlung der NXL auf ESPN2 verfolgt und angeblich soll ESPN die nächste NXL Saison ausstrahlen.
Rumors, lies and scandal…
Some's true, some may be true, and some comes direct from Donald Rumsfeld, so don't blame us…
So, as everyone knows, Johnny Paintball Richardson has been tempted away from his spiritual home on Infamous to join Mr Franchise's XSV …a $20k signing on fee and a pay-to-play deal will work wonders nowadays… Dynasty picks up Eric Hunter from the Naughty Dogs and Danny Tiljack from Avalanche …The Philly Americans new facility is attracting top line players over for trials…the promise of $$$$s doesn't hurt none either – first to join in the off-season is Gerald Garcia . What a surprise, Bob Long losing a top Assassin in the off season…the other, equally predictable surprise, is that Bob will mould another killer into his own image and Oakland won't skip a beat… New England Hurricanes are being courted by several major sponsrs, and have bolstered their roster by luring Canes' Tim Maher 's older brother Scott back into tha fold from NYX …All quiet on the Trauma front, except for a whisper that both Brian Stewart and Jason Trosen have practiced with the Assassins . Oh, and Trauma picked up Lucian Blackburn from Miami Effect …Will BJ be joining Little Jon on Legacy ? Arsenal has moved to Cow Country and will henceforth be known as San Antonio Arsenal . The house they are living in has a training facility in its yard, so look for Arsenal to come on strong early in the season… Detroit Strange will also hit the ground running: word is they are training very, hard and very smart, a la Russian Legion , and will likely show up in the semi-pro NPPL bracket along with a whole lot of other big names…names like Bad Company . If Tom Cole picks up tha players he is chasing, look for Company to be stronger than ever in 2005. Finally, DC Devastation and Justice have joined forces to create a killer XBall team…that's all until I get big bad Don on tha phone later today folks.
NXL on ESPN: The Inside Track
OK folks, while this isn't 100% official, yet , our sources here are very good, so hang on tight cos the news is good. And by good, we mean great. And by great, we mean awesome.
The first showing of the NXL on ESPN2 racked up 760,000 viewers, a 0.8 rating…now this is pretty damn good, but what's even better is that within the target group, 13 – 25 year olds, it got a 1.2 rating, which had tha ESPN guys rubbing their hands with glee.
Yep, ESPN are delighted with the ratings – the show has already been translated into French and Portuguese, re-runs are on tha cards, and negotiations have started between the NXL and ESPN for televising next season.
In short, this is about the best news we could have hoped for…stay tuned for more news, and check out a forthcoming issue of PGI for the full story from inside the NXL.