Tadaos Technologies neustes Chip Flagschiff ist nun auch für die NYX Matrix verfügbar (für 65$). Der Chip bietet euch alle benötigten Firemodes um dem Regelwerk aller großen Ligen dieser Welt zu entsprechen. NXL, PSP, NPPL und die Millenium mit einer einzigen Software. Neben den Firemodes kommt der Chip mit den bekannten Features wie „Anti Mechanical Bounce“ oder dem „Hybrid-Debounce“. Das Handbuch für den Chip könnt ihr hier finden.
23. Januar 2005
Huntington Beach – Teams & Registration
Die NPPL kämpft mit technischen Problemen darum ist die Online Registration geschlossen. Auch eine Registration via E-Mail ist NICHT möglich. Wer in HB05 spielen will MUSS die NPPL anrufen und sich registrierten. Div3 ist bereits voll, Div 1 und 2 sind noch offen! Camille dazu:Huntington Beach registration for Division III is closed with a waiting list forming. We are accepting Division II, Division I and Semi Pro registrations only. Today is the last day to register. To register your Semi Pro, Division I or Division II team you must call the NPPL Office at (714) 536 – 9050 immediatly.Since thursday, we have encountered technical difficulties and therefore have closed online registration. To check if your team is registered click here and if you do not see your team name, call the NPPL immediately at 714 536 9050. Teams wanting to register must email call the NPPL office.For more information please contact [email protected] Teams haben sich bereits für das erste Event der NPPL Super 7 2005 in Huntington Beach registriert:Semi Pro:Arsenal A TeamColorado ShootersDistortionJusticeLegacyNemesisDiv1:Bonebrake USA – SilverDallas RootsDerangeDocs RaidersMantis FactoryNew York DogsTippmann EffectUK JaguarsDiv 2:(415)ACI – Splat FactoryBallisticBonebrake USA – BlueBring It On Paintball.comCap't Carl's Factory TeamColorado Raiderse-unytEssenceFox 4 DarksideHG GangstasImpactInvasionLA ExodusOmegaOrganized ChaosPTIRegulatorsRichmond RiotRocken FactorySinTHRUST AllstarsDiv 3 (Registration bereits beendet!):Aruba MadnessAsylumBlowfishBreak50BustabawlCenter FiftyCool CrewD.A.D.T.Dark MatterExcessive Force PaintballEXILEDExodus Vatos LocosGraniteHeaven & HellHellboyzHustlers FactoryHypnotic HotshotKaosKeeblerL.A. Exodus KidzL.A. WildcardsLA ProphecyLAWLegendLos Angeles ProphecyMonstarzNefariousNTK FactoryOverheadPaintball Wizard SwervePatriot FactoryPredatorsReaper South AfricaReeL BallerZSC FlipsideSD ArchangelSinfulSo-Cal Paintball FactorySolidsevenT.J. All StarzTeam „X“The CoreThe OutfitThe PB StoreTropix HawaiiTX WickedUnderground AssassinsURDMIZEVictoryXtreme Planet
Warpig – SP Nerve Review
Die Technik Profis von Warpig.com haben die Smart Parts Nerve einmal genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Ein sehr umfangreiches Review samt zwei 30 Schuss Serien über den Chronie findet ihr auf den Review Seiten von Warpig.
22. Januar 2005
PBStar – Interview mit Dan Napoli
Warped Sportz's own Dan Napoli wurde vom PBStar interviewed. Wir haben das komplette Interview für Euch:
Pbstar: So Mr. Napoli, we meet again for the first time for the last time…
Dan: only if you don't believe in reincarnation, otherwise neither of those statements may be true.
Pbstar: You wear a lot of hats in the paintball industry. Can you go into great detail and tell us about each of them? Personally, I prefer beanies.
Dan: I’ve always been a baseball cap kinda guy, but I seem to gravitate toward beanies more now as I'm getting older. I have no idea what that means really.
Ok, well currently I am the producer/ co-owner of the Jawwbraker Video Series, Marketing Director for Warped Sportz, which includes assisting Avalanche in its marketing and promotion.
I also work for P8NT Magazine in several different roles, including Music Editor, managing some of the advertise accounts, and assist with the marketing & promoting the magazine itself. Like P8NT just totally restructured its subscription program, making it like $9.99. So I assist in some of those concepts and promoting it.
Pbstar: Did you ever notice if you reverse your first name and last name, you would be Napoli Dan. Then if you exchanged the 'i' in Napoli for the letters 'eon' and reversed the 'an' in Dan, added a 'y' after the 'D' and then finished it off with the letters 'mite' you’d be Napoleon Dynamite? Pretty sweet huh?
Dan: Well, not as sweet as this lyger I drew last night, but pretty sweet.
Pbstar: Ok, your turn. My real name is Enis Plicker.
Dan: is this a family site? 'cause that names sounds pretty dirty. [lol]
Pbstar: The Jawwbraker DVDs are this combination between action clips, music videos, and paintball magazines (the good magazines at least…). How did you come up with the idea to do a paintball DVD unlike anything else and what kind of impact do you think Jawwbraker has on the paintball lifestyle?
Dan: second question first…As for impact, I just hope we do justice to telling people’s stories. I don’t know about a particular lifestyle, but I hope it shows that there really is a paintball LIFE that these pros lead, it might not be super-glamorous, but it is pretty cool. I hope we make kids stoked about playing paintball, about aspiring to one day to be pro, because you can’t possibly image doing anything else with your life except traveling the world with your boys and besides playing paintball 24/7/356, and to do anything else seems like slow death. So you’ll wash dishes, sleep on people’s floors, whatever it takes. That kind of conviction is really amazing to me.
It's the same kind of conviction present in underground musicians and skateboarders that inspired me growing up. So hopefully we inspire some kids too. And they get to see great action and amazing production values.
People focus on our storytelling, which is cool, but we do have great action put to killer music with amazing production values too.
Which is where Jawwbraker really came from. There’s this long-ass description on our website (www.jawwbraker.com) of where it all started if anybody cares to read it.
Basically, I loved seeing those stories in skate/surf/snow/music world. Then I realized the same types of stories were occurring in paintball, but they were rarely getting told to people. So we wanted to tell them.
Pbstar: Warped Sportz has grown a lot in the last few years. How many stores, and in how many states is Warped up to?
Dan: There are stores in LA, Mississippi, KC, Indiana, Tinley Park/Chicago, Germany, Austria, and the HQ in Nebraska.
Pbstar: Can you tell me why nobody ever died on GI Joe even though there were so many gunfights?
Dan: didn’t like only the nameless, Cobra soldiers get shot? But primary dudes like Zartan or Storm Shadow were untouched. You know, this very question has plagued me since I was about 10 years old.
Pbstar: I hear you’re a music connoisseur, can you tell me why do birds suddenly appear?
Dan: You want me to bust out and sing some Carpenter's lyrics for you over the phone?
Pbstar: What song are you listening to right now?
Dan: "Into You Like A Train," by the band Jawwbreaker, [who we totally copped our name from, thanks Adam] which is cover of an '80s song by the Pyschedelic Furs.
It’s in an I-tunes mix with "Give It All" by Rise Against, "Old School Reasons" by Alkaline Trio, and "Feed The Monkey, Drown The Worm" by The Falcon.
Pbstar: Who is better, Led Zeppelin or Quiet Riot? "Come on feel the noise" or "Stairway to Heaven"…it's a tough decision.
Dan: My inner 80's metal-head says Quiet Riot, but obviously Zep. Did you know "Come On Feel The Noise" is actually a cover. Originally it was done by a late 70s English punk band, I wanna say Sham 69, but don’t quote me. Yeah, I'm a giant music nerd. Sorry.
Pbstar: You have an inside view of paintball and the tournament world. What's the craziest thing you’ve ever done or seen? And none of this, "I've seen some crazy stuff" and leaving it at that…
Dan: That's cool. I was at a New Year's Eve party once and watched somebody do something that involved lots of alcohol, a five-pound monkey wrench, and genitals. Don’t anybody ever try to sweat how crazy it can get in the Midwest. Lots of snow and below zero temperatures make you do some weird things.
Pbstar: Have you ever worn Spandex? You seem like a spandex kind of guy. Bet you're wearing it right now…
Dan: Only when I went and saw Poison in 5th grade. Open Up and Say AHHH tour.
Pbstar: Best team in paintball…
Dan: It's hard to say an absolute with two different formats, and where not all of the better 5 or 8 teams play both formats. I guess you'd have to say Dynasty, because they keep winning, and in both X-Ball and 7-Man. '05 should be a tight year though, because you have Avalanche right on Dynasty’s heels, plus XSV, Arsenal, Infamous, Russian Legion / Boston Red Legion. This is super-cool for fans. Don't you wish Baltimore Trama and Detroit Strange got to play all those, too.
Pbstar: Best player ever…
Dan: That's impossible to answer.
Pbstar: Most influential player…
Dan: Again, impossible to pin point.
Pbstar: X-ball or 7man man?
Dan: Both formats have great benefits, but personally I like to watch 7-Man.
Pbstar: Dark Shocker or Dark PGP?
Dan: Dark Shockers.
Pbstar: Be honest. This is the worst interview you’ve ever done…
Dan: No. Between Jawwbraker and college radio I've interviewed tons of drunk bands that were worse. Peeing everywhere, total A.D.D in full effect. This is only the worse one I’ve been the interviewee for [laughs]
Pbstar: I'll try to do better with the next few questions, what teams does Warped sponsor and what kind of teams do you look for to sponsor?
Dan: teams that play pro, am, or novice on either or both of the two national circuits.
Pbstar: Can you tell me why all the Avalanche guys wear face camo? Is it to cover up obscene acne?
Dan: It's an insider secret, they don’t even tell me! Those dudes are great. They are always doing cool stuff to express themselves and have fun, and Ed Poorman’s cool enough to let them just roll with it. I loved when they all spray painted their shoes gold last year.
Pbstar: So if a team wanted to get sponsored by Warped Sportz they should contact you? At home, preferably during dinner-time right?
Dan: totally. Call me at 310-914-5555. No seriously, younger players should work through their local field or core shop. It's the best way to go. Be a good customer or supporter. Talk to them about how much, Ref their tournaments or clean the field in exchange for cheap paint. That’s the biggest mistake I see with young players. Manufacturers are looking to super-visible avenues like guys getting on tv, competing for a national title in one of the divisions.
Work with local stores, build a relationship.
Pbstar: I don't have time to play for a team anymore, but I have this sweet Autococker with a pre-Brass Eagle revolution hopper held on using duct tape (pink duct tape, because pink is hot), and a 4+1 harness. I'll wear your stickers and tell all of my friends to buy Warped stuff. Would you sponsor me?
Dan: I’ll give you demon logo duct tape. How about that?
Pbstar: No thanks, I’ve already got a duct tape sponsorship with Home Depot. Would you like to add anything else? But be careful if you ad, our rates have gone up to $1.76CPM.
Dan: Our new DVD, Ep # 4, is outstanding, the best we've ever done. And the story of Mapp Chhim is incredibly inspiring. The picture quality is amazing. If you’re new to jawwbraker, it's a great place to start. You guys have clips that kids can checkout, right?
And finally, we really appreciate the stores and kids who support Jawwbraker and are into the dvds, and the pros who let us come in their house and tell their stories.
Pbstar: We do have some killer Jawwbraker clips now that you mentioned it. But that ad will cost you a penny for the 2 people who read this interview…
21. Januar 2005
DPL 2005
Wir berichteten heute von einer einheitlichen 7 Man Liga in Deutschland. Heute Abend ging die Website der DPL 2005 online, auf dieser kann man weitere Informationen zum Ligageschehen 2005 entnehmen. Wir haben für Euch die aktuelle DPL News:
Die Deutsche Paintball Liga (DPL) 2005
Nach dem großen Erfolg der DPL im letzten Jahr, bei der insgesamt 77 Teams in ganz Deutschland an vier Spieltagen um die Qualifikation für das Finale gekämpft und schließlich sowohl im 5-Mann, als auch im 7-Mann Format den Deutschen Meister ermittelt haben, wird die Deutsche Paintball Liga 2005 noch weiter wachsen.
· Einführung einer Bundesliga
· Hinzunahme einer fünften Region (Mitte)
· Qualifikationsmöglichkeit für den DPL-Pokal in allen fünf Regionen
Als DPL Spieltage werden folgende Termine festgelegt:
21. / 22. Mai – 1. Spieltag
25. / 26. Juni – 2. Spieltag
23. / 24. Juli – 3. Spieltag
21. / 21. August – 4. Spieltag
24. / 25. September – DPL-Pokal / 5. Spieltag BL
Spielorte für den ersten Spieltag am 21./22. Mai sind wie folgt:
Nord: Altenesch
West: Arenrath
Mitte: Diedenbergen
Ost: Rühlow
Süd: Karlsruhe
Die weiteren Spielorte für jede Region werden demnächst bekannt gegeben.
Es bleibt beim bewährten BYO (für Paint und Luft), sowohl im 5-Mann, als auch im 7-Mann Bereich. Auch die Startgebühr (550/770) bleibt gleich niedrig wie in den Vorjahren. Viele weitere Details zur DPL 2005 werden in den nächsten Tagen als news an dieser Stelle bekannt gegeben. Dazu gehören auch weitere Informationen zur Bundesliga, Entscheidungshilfen zur Anmeldung in Liga West oder Mitte und eine Beschreibung zum geplanten Ablauf des Spielbetriebs in BL, den RL und beim DPL-Pokal. Wir bitten um euer Verständnis, dass wir noch etwas Zeit brauchen, um euch die DPL vollständig präsentieren zu können. Die Anmeldung (nur über diese Homepage) wird ab Montag, 24.01.05 18:00 möglich sein.
Bis dahin,
euer DPL Team
Einbruch bei Planet Eclipse
Böse, böse Menschen sind bei Planet Eclipse eingebrochen, falls es jemand interessiert, hier ist das Statement von Ledz (Quelle P8ntballer.com):
Planet Eclipse in the UK was broken into last night and apart from the damage and inconvenience a lot of essential equipment has been stolen. Several PC's, Laptops, Mac's and camera's have been taken along with several Markers. On the list of Paintball equipment stolen we have:
Nexus DC2 Cocker (Special one off Dark Grey Fade)
Black Ego
Black 2 Silver Polished Fade Factory Edition Cocker
The Purple Warrior Outcast E1 Cocker
Nexus Graphite Fade Cocker with E2 Frame
Black Proto Type Impulse
Very Old Mini Cocker (with Gold Reg)
Nexus DC2 Platinum Cocker
3 x 68ci Pre Set Air Systems
1 x Angel Air 1.1
1 x 6 Pack and 12 gram.. (They can keep this)
I'm not going to hold my breath to see any of this again. But lets not make them think there is a market for stolen markers or your all going to put yourself in the firing line. If you're offered any markers that fit the descriptions above then lets us know. If it's a baller then don't worry to much as there are loads of this type of gun around just keep your eye's open, for all our sakes.
Apart from the pain in the ass this has and will cause we are also going to be hampered in a few departments for a few days. If you have sent an e-mail to technical help, customer services or Nicky T in the last few days it might be in the back of a stolen car so please feel free to send it again if you have not had a reply.
I'm going to have a wash now coz I feel dirty and violated.
Hope you all have a better weekend that me.