STD Industries wird wohl in Kürze ein neues LPR System für eine Reihe von Paintballmarkierer anbieten. Es werden wohl Modelle für Freestyle, Intimidator, Matrix, Protomatrix und Angel erhältlich sein. Die Features und das Design erinnern stark an den AKA SCM. ICD scheint vom Design überzeugt und gibt dem JDS LPR den Titel Approved Product.[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-01-11-gunside.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-01-11-upright.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-01-11-undergun.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-01-11-side.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-01-11-back.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-01-11-forward-on-gun.jpg[/img]
11. Januar 2005
Dynasty Clinic Rockhampton 05
Die erste Dynasty Clinic ausserhalb der USA findet in Rockhampton Australien statt. Solltet ihr euch also zufällig um den vierten Februar herum in Australien befinden könnt ihr euch wahlweise von Ryan Greespan, Brad Maughan oder gleich von beiden eure Skills aufpolieren lassen:Learn the moves from two of the original Dynasty Players: Brad Maughan and Ryan Greenspan. Brad will be running back man clinics whilst Ryan Greenspan will be showing front players how to make it happen at the head of the snake!Clinic Fee:$150 one session (choice of Brad or Ryan) OR$225 two sessions (one session with Brad + one session with Ryan)Clinic Date:The clinic is scheduled for Friday the 4th of Febuary, if demand is high enough the clinic may also be opened for Monday the 7th of Febuary or Thursday the 3rd of Febuary.Clinic Size:Clinic sizes are limited to give all participants good contact with their chosen Dynasty player.Clinic Inclusions:Clinic includes personal tuition by the Dynasty player of your choice and a signed, limited edition T-shirt.Bookings:Bookings are essential. Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity! To book your place, call MacDev on (02) 9531 5055 – hurry, places are limited.
Game with Fame: Pro Paintballers
Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball ist wahrlich ein Erfolg und befindet sich in der weltweiten XBOX Live Rangliste auf dem neunten Platz, in den Vereinigten Staaten liegt es sogar auf dem achten Rang.
Am Donnerstag den 13. Januar kann man mit Greg Hastings, Alex Fraige, Pete Utschig, Keely Watson, Oliver Lang und Nicky Cuba GHTP auf XBOX Live spielen.
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Game with Fame:
Pro Paintballers
Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball is a big hit with Xbox Live™ members—just check the Top 25 Games List. If you're a fan of the game or have wanted to try it, then Thursday, January 13, 2005, is your lucky day!
Greg Hastings himself, along with other pro paintballers—including Chris LaSoya, Keely Watson, Alex Fraige, Pete “Mr. U” Utschig, Oliver Lang, and Nicky Cuba—will be playing on Xbox Live from 5:00 to 6:00 P.M. Eastern (2:00 to 3:00 P.M. Pacific). Look for the Gamertags ProPaintballer1 and ProPaintballer2 .
About Greg Hastings
Greg „Red“ Hastings has been an avid paintball player for 18 years. He started his playing career just before entering into the Submarine Service in 1988. He served on the U.S.S. Gato (SSN 615) as SONAR supervisor and senior SCUBA diver during the Persian Gulf War and received two Southwest Asia Campaign Medals among others.
After he was honorably discharged in 1994, Hastings started his international tournament level career. He was a member of the World Champion Ground Zero team and also played for Bob Long's Ironmen. Hastings is a world-class product designer for companies such as R7 Inc. He now plays for Brimstone Smoke. In his free time, Greg enjoys bass fishing.
In August 2002, Greg conceived the idea for a paintball game on Xbox. He partnered with his friends Jeff Connelly, Sky Kensok, Patrick Moynihan, and their team at The Whole Experience (WXP), a videogame developer based in Seattle, Wash. Greg also brought together a team of the top professional paintball players to be featured in the game, with the goal of providing them an opportunity to develop their careers and promote the sport of paintball.
After 30 trips to Seattle from his home in New Jersey in a little more than two years, Greg's vision of an Xbox paintball game was realized with the launch of Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball . Based on the initial strong sales, this title is expected to go Platinum on Xbox.
The game has received positive reviews from many gaming sites, including a nomination by GameSpot for Most Surprisingly Good Game of 2004. The game is also popular on Xbox Live .
About Keely Watson
Keely Watson started playing paintball with her family more than 10 years ago. Her first team was appropriately named „The Family.“ She has also played for Team Maxim and the all-female Femmes Fatales.
Recently graduating from the University of San Diego with degrees in both Spanish and communications, Watson is now working for Paintball Sports Promotions doing event planning, marketing, and public relations.
Watson is the spokesmodel for Dye Precision and has produced her own calendar for the last two years. In addition, she models outside of paintball and has worked for companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Audi, and Maxim in both the United States and Hong Kong.
About Pete “Mr. U” Utschig
Pete “Mr. U” Utschig first played paintball in the woods with his friends at age 15. In the same year, Mr. U began playing tournament paintball and joined the New York-based pro team Ground Zero at age 17. While playing with Ground Zero, Mr. U won the World Championship and the Millennium Series.
Mr. U graduated from Mercy College in New York with a degree in elementary education. He was teaching special education students in middle school and continuing his education at Columbia University Graduate School in 2001. Following the tragedy of September 11, Mr. U left his job teaching, interrupted his paintball career, and entered the New York City Fire Academy.
He is currently stationed at Engine 16 Ladder 7 and plays for New York Extreme, which changed their name from Ground Zero after September 11.
About Chris LaSoya
Chris LaSoya was first introduced to paintball more than 18 years ago by his father. He has played for several of the top teams, including All Americans, Washington Reign, Chicago Aftershock, Image, Avalanche, and Miami Effect. LaSoya has won World Championships and tournaments around the globe, including major tournaments in eight different countries.
LaSoya now plays on the team that he owns, Team Infamous. On the side, he produces concerts and enjoys snowboarding.
About Alex Fraige
Alex Fraige grew up in Northern California playing paintball with his friends and teammates Oliver Lang, Ryan Greenspan, and Josh Rau. Alex is the backbone, founder, owner, and captain of Team Dynasty, which has won the National Professional Paintball League (NPPL) series championship in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Team Dynasty also competes internationally and has won the Millennium Series in Europe.
Alex loves punk rock, paintball, and video games. As demonstrated by the mohawk on his Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball character, Alex has a rebellious spirit.
About Oliver Lang
Oliver Lang played for the legendary Ironmen team at age 17. The Ironmen are the only paintball team to win the World Cup and NPPL series championship in the same year. In 2002, Oliver rejoined his friends and helped start Team Dynasty.
Oliver has received the Player of the Year Award in 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2004. With his tournament prize money and paintball clinics, Oliver has been fortunate to make a career in paintball. He loves the sport more than anything. It is his passion and pleasure.
About Nicky Cuba
Nicky Cuba started playing paintball when he was 11 years old. He was lucky enough to grow up next to a paintball store that was 10 feet from his house, which helped keep him out of trouble and focus on playing paintball and his schoolwork.
Nicky won the World Championship playing with Ground Zero in 2001. With his buddies Rich Telford and Matty Marshall, Nicky helped to form the team XSV, which was the number-two-ranked team in the 2004 NPPL season standings. Nicky enjoys traveling with his friends and playing basketball in his spare time.
If you get the chance to play against the paintball masters, we want to hear about it! E-mail [email protected] and tell us what happened. Don't forget to include your Gamertag and hometown – Rücknahme der CSG Gerüchte
Nicht lustig fanden es Custom Sports Gear, als sie auf davon lesen mussten, dass die Geschäfte nicht gut laufen und das Unternehmen nicht mehr lange besteht. CSG klagten gegen, welche daraufhin den Beitrag des „Paintball Insider“ veränderten.
Baltic Cup 2005 – Ergebnisse
Am Wochenende wurde in Polen der Baltic Cup 2005 gespielt. Es waren auch mit Frontline, Frontline Haze und den Speedfreaks drei deutsche Teams vor Ort.
1. Ranger
2. Kamikaze
3. Silents
4. Cigorsi
6. Trójz¹b
7. Ranger II
8. Frontline
9. Alex
10. Ludzie Pó³nocy
11. Los Lobos
12. Slamdancers
13. KPS Andegrand
14. Sztorm1
15. Banshee
16. K-68
17. Sfora
18. Napalmowa Niedziela
19. Speedfreaks
20. Incredible
21. Frontline Haze
PBStar – Keely Watson Interview
Der PBStar führte ein Interview mit dem DYE Girl Keely Watson, dieses möchten wir Euch nicht vorenthalten.
Keely Watson Interview
Keely Watson is one of the most famous paintball players in the world. She is a model for Dye, NXL field coach for the LA Ironmen, and now an employee of Paintball Sports Promotions (PSP). We figured it was about time we interviewed this paintball icon, and ask her about her new job, the PSP, and a bunch of other sweet questions.
Pbstar: For any paintball players out there who don’t know Keely Watson tell us a few things: Just who is Keely Watson, how did she get started into paintball, what teams has she played for, and why do people conducting interviews always ask questions in the third person?
Keely: Well, I’m a 22-year old graduate of the University of San Diego. I plan to continue living here in San Diego and have recently begun working for Paintball Sports Promotions.
I got started playing paintball about ten years ago, because of my younger brother, Ryan. He really wanted to play paintball and finally convinced my dad and stepmom to take him. I went with them the next time and was hooked. My dad has a habit of going full speed into things that he is interested in, so he took us to Las Vegas to watch a tournament. Shortly after, we began playing tournaments ourselves.
That was the start of The Family which originally consisted of my brother, my dad, my stepmom, my uncle, and myself. That team evolved over the years to include numerous people in both five-man and ten-man. After the team split up, I played with Team Maxim and then the Femmes Fatales.
Pbstar: So when you were a little girl, did you like playing with guns instead of Barbies?
Keely: I was definitely somewhat of a tomboy as a kid. I was always playing sports, although I did have Barbies too.
Pbstar: So now you’re working for the PSP what’s your position? Will we get to hear you sing the national anthem at every PSP event from here on out?
Keely: I will be doing various things this year. I am in charge of media relations, league sponsors, promotions, and various other tasks.
Pbstar: So if people have any questions for the PSP should they ask you or Lane Wright?
Keely: It depends on the question, but for the most part they can direct questions towards me.
Pbstar: With you taking on an important role at the PSP will you still coach the LA Ironmen next year? Still doing modeling for Dye?
Keely: Yes, I believe that I will still be helping to coach the LA Ironmen in between everything else and I will definitely still be doing stuff with Dye.
Pbstar: I hear you’re like a legend in BMX racing circles. Ever gone off any sweet jumps?
Keely: Ya, you should see my new bike. I love to build jumps on my sidewalk for it.
Pbstar: But seriously, it’s been said the PSP did an amazing job putting on events last year, but no one really talked about it. Is that where you come in?
Keely: Lane Wright was basically handling most of the league by himself last year which is just insane. There’s so much to do! I really admire him for the great job he did putting on all the events as well as he did.
I was hired just to help with the mass amount of stuff that needs to be done in order to run an event. Also, with my degree in Communications I hope to have more outside media involvement in the league this year.
Pbstar: The PSP did a lot of great things last year. Player registration database that anyone can go and search, an active ID card system to prevent sandbaggers, live scores from the events, the list keeps going…
Keely: Again, its really amazing how well the league has run in the last couple of years. That’s really why I’m so excited to be working for the PSP now. There’s so much great stuff already going on within it and I only hope to be able to make it even better.
Pbstar: Have the dates and venues been announced for the ‘05 season?
Keely: Most of the dates and venues have been confirmed and are available on We’re set to kick off the season February 16-20 at the Pomona Fairgrounds in Los Angeles.
Pbstar: I’m sure you’ve noticed we have a lot in common. Like, we both have a degree in communications. We should go out sometime…I don’t think my wife would really mind at all. Would you?
Keely: Well, I guess if she wouldn’t mind…
Pbstar: It sure is great talking to a fellow communications scholar. Would you care to comment on women’s role in paintball where women have become victims of false consciousnesses and have their bodies objectified by the hegemonic male gaze?
Keely: Well to really address that question properly, I think we would have to look at Sut Jhally’s Dreamworlds 3, as well as Jean Kilbourne’s Killing Us Softly.
Pbstar: Speaking of objectification, I hear Keely Watson calendar sales at are outpacing Dynasty calendar sales. Two questions: would you like to gloat? And could you autograph every page of my Keely calendar I keep hidden from my wife?
Keely: I’m just very, very thankful for how well my calendars have done. Sales have definitely exceeded my expectations for the second year in a row which is fantastic. I would be happy to sign all pages, but only because it’s you.
Pbstar: I’ve got a friend at work (he won’t let me use his name so we’ll just call him Paul-E) who claims you wiped 2 hits off your hand after he shot you at a 10man event in Vegas a couple years back. Personally, I think he might be jealous the team you played for beat his team.
Keely: Jealously is a terrible thing.
Pbstar: Speaking of 10man, it appears to be abandoned in favor of Xball. What will we see at the PSP next year?
Keely: Ten-man has been dropped for this year. Teams will now be able to compete either in five-man or three different divisions of X-Ball.
Pbstar: Carrots, Krispy Kremes, or Dunkin Donuts?
Keely: I’d have to go with Dunkin Donuts on that one. Big fan.
Pbstar: Do you still have time to play paintball? Any advice for girls looking to get into the game?
Keely: I do still find time although not as much as I would like to. The best advice I can give is to tell girls to just get out there and play. Don’t be intimidated by the guys and don’t give up. This is an incredible sport that can change your life so stick with it.
Pbstar: So I’m going to ask my next question like a 12-year old whose writing skills have been degraded by the use of instant messenger… I’D ALSO RILLY LIEK 2 HAAR UR THOUGHTS ON DUKES OF HAZARD!11!11!1 OMG WTF GRAAT SHOW EH??!!!?!?? OMG WTF… OUR AOL TRANSLA2R IS A LOT OF FUN U SHUD TRY IT OUT!1!! OMG WTF
Pbstar: Hmmm…this interview appears to have gotten off track. I don’t blame you for thinking less of me now…Where were we?
Keely: That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.
Pbstar: Oh ya, the PSP…So what did you get for Christmas?
Keely: Good stuff all around; jewelry, clothes, and a new Ipod.
Pbstar: Care to discuss anything new the PSP is doing this season? I think it would be really neat if you got those guys at Action Village to make some killer PSP apparel for 2005.
Keely: I think that sounds like a great idea. Besides that, the PSP this year will be featuring deals on event hotels available through, some great players’ parties, and about a billion other new and improved things.
Pbstar: Finish the following sentences: is the best website around because…
Keely: Because Chris Williams is part of it.
Chris Williams is super hot and sexy because…
Keely: He’s a man, baby, ya!
You should play in the PSP next year because…
Keely: Otherwise, you’ll be missing out.
Pbstar: Anything else you’d like to add? Or ad? We don’t care, you can do either one around here…
Keely: Always have to give a shout out to Dye Precision. They’re an awesome company with the best products on the market. I thank my lucky stars every day that I’m involved with Dye.