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20. Dezember 2004

The Euro Tour DVD – Trailer

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 19:16

[img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2004-12-20-euro_tour.gif[/img]Der erste Trailer zur derder Euro Tour ist online. Auf einer DVD wird über die EPPC Events in Amsterdam, Toulouse und Stockholm berichtet. Link: The Euro Tour DVD – Trailer

Meet Eric Dearman

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 19:06

Die Jungs von den TonTons konnten Eric Dearman von den Philly Americans zu einem sehr lesenswerten Interview gewinnen:Meet Eric Dearman from Philadelphia AmericanHi Eric (& Ryan), well like usual in our interviews, please introduce yourself, who are you ? In Which team do you play ? Where are you on the field ? Since how long do you play Paintball ? Is there a life apart from the paintball ?…I am Eric „#1 STUNNA“ Dearman, I am 21 and live in Atlanta Ga.I play for the Philadelphia Americans. I usually play front to insert and up the middle. I played for the first time when I was about 10-11, but I really started playing comettitvly at age 13(1996). I do have a little bit of a live other than paintball. I am in school full time. I enjoy going out and partying with friends(some of the TonTons can back my up on this). I am on the road alot, but I do not mind. Pintball is the greatest sport in the world and has taken me places I never thought I would go and allowed me to meet many interesting people and I would not have it any other way.For the second year, Philly is the NXL Champion, What was the hardest title to take, 2003 or 2004 ? From which are you the proudest ?I think that the 2003 meant more to me in many ways than did the 2004 title. We went from a tenth ranked team to the best and I can't even explain how much I felt we deserved to win. I felt like no one wanted us to win in 2003, this pushed us even harder throughout the season. It was my first full year as a Pro player so that made it that much sweeter, also we were the under dogs playing against Bobby. I also feel that Bobby is a better team, we also had quite a rivalry with them throughout 2003 season. Also our first game against Bobby in 2003 it came down to a sudden death point, our games against Strange were not nearly as close. There is nothing quite like your first Championship.During the season, The NXL Rules regarding guns and ROF changed (ROF limited to 15 bps, Full auto after 3 shots), do you think it changed the game ? Which system do you prefer and why ? I guess this changes had an effect on some specific NXL teams, am I right ?I think it changed the game in many ways. The teams that relied on guns that ramped and shot almost 30 balls a second were affected the most. It slowed the game up a little, being that players that before could not make a corner bunker now could. Also it took some of the skills that we have worked very hard to achieve, such as running and sooting. This was a skill before now everyone can do it fairly easily. Having a way to regulate peoples ROF and ramping velocity has definitely changed the game for the better though.Both of you played with us during the San Diego NPPL Tourney, but before that have you ever played another format than X-Ball ?I have played in almost every format except scenario games. I have won 3mans, 5mans, 7mans, but I have yet to win in a ten man event.I come to this stupid question, do you prefer X-Ball or 7 Man ? Why ?X-Ball definitly. It makes playes better faster. It also has harsher penilties for cheating, which I really like. I hated leaving a game/tourny feeling cheated or robbed by a bad reffing call or just people cheating. With X-Ball I feel that cheating, in our leage, has been minimized.What are your opinions about the San Diego event in general (organisation, fields, schedules…) ? What about the games we played, I mean the way things happened ? … well now, you like french don't you ;o)Overall the event was well run, set up, and organized. The turf was not as bad as I had anticipated. I did not like having to wait 2-3 hours between games. BUT, in my almost 10 years of playing I have never, ever seen such terrible reffing. Our team would have made the cut except for the repeated horrible/wrong calls that were made by the NPPL refs. The NPPL refs are by far the worst in the world period. As for the French, you know I have mad love for you guys.In your eyes, what is/are the biggest difference between X-Ball and other formats ?I think that one of the major differences is that X-Ball is a more physical game and players have to be more athletic than in other formats. I believe that in X-ball the better team, for the most part, come out on top. I always hated losing games because someone made a lucky move or a ref made a terrible call. I think X-ball has made it harder for a team with lesser skills to beat a better team. This is how all sports are, you may score one point against a better team but by the end of the game the better team will have won.And what about Philadelphia American and Miami Effect training ? Are you playing every weeks ? Do you train together ? Do you work on special X-Ball drills ?We play every other weekend as a team during the season. I play about every other weekend in the off season. I workout on my own about every other day. We do have a few special drills, but I can not reveal them or Spesh will kill me.Some Trauma and Philly guys played with you Eric against the Russian Legion in London for the Campaign Cup Exhibition game, do you have something to say on the RL team ? If it plays NXL next Year, will the Russian be one of the favorites ?I would say that is was a good game. I feel that if we would have been playing on a field that they had never played before we would have done better. I feel that if we had been playing with a purely Philly team it would have made a difference (The Trama squad did not earn a point).Well a last question for you Eric, we noticed you are doing a funny trick each time you make a nice move or kill the game in a beatiful action, what's that ?It is called popping your collar or brushing your shoulder off. I started doing it just to be funny. It is more like of saying „ha ha I shot you“ after bunkering someone. Sometimes I do it to be funny and sometimes I do it just to be an ass, it just depends on mood I am in.

Zero Kids – Tryout

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:39

Wer am 28.-30.Januar, 2005 in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina auf den Gelände von Adventure Beach Paintball ist wird dort die Zero Kids Tryouts beobachten dürfen. Less Than Zero ist dabei ein Schwesterteam aufzubauen. Die Zero Kidz werden sofort ein volles Sponsoring erhalten über das man hier in Deutschland noch ungläubig staunen dürfte. Mehr dazu:[img]../newsimages/teamlogos/2004-12-20-ltz_l.jpg[/img]LTZ holding tryouts for Zero KidsBart Monroe, owner of one of 2004'smost successful paintball teams with ten tournament victories in over 30 events, Less Than Zero (LTZ), has announced plans to create a second, sister team to compete solely in the Carolina Field Owners Association five-man tournament series. On January 28-30, 2005 at Adventure Beach Paintball near North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Bart Monroe, Bea Youngs, Mike Paxson and Joshua D. Silverman will host tryouts for the Zero Kids, a five-man rookie team that will compete in the 2005 CFOA season. After trying out and making the Zero Kids rookie squad, all players will become fully sponsored for the 2005 CFOA season.The Zero Kids team will be fully sponsored for the 2005 season, with sponsorships to include but not be limited to CFOA rookie division entry fees, all paintballs, paintball guns and other playing gear, travel expenses and more. In return, all players who attend the tryout and make the Zero Kids squad must submit to the same Drug Policy as players on LTZ and must agree to practice regularly at a centralized location, as well as make monthly team practices. The team will be joined at several CFOA events by parent team LTZ along with Bart Monroe, Mike Paxson and Bea Youngs.“I was approached by some of the people affiliated with the Carolina Field Owners Association and asked to play in their series,“ stated owner Bart Monroe, who was born in Pinehurst, North Carolina and still has family in the state. Monroe continued „not only is LTZ coming to play, but we are dropping the west-coast XPSL Series for it, and are creating a rookie team to play in the entire, eight-date CFOA season in 2005.“For more information on LTZ or the Zero Kids go to the official LTZ Website at or contact Aly-Shea Monroe direct at [email protected].

15bps cap in PSP and CFOA?

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:20

In der derzeitigen Off-Season kommt es immer wieder zu neuen Gerüchten das die großen amerikanischen Ligen wie PSP, NPPL und CFOA ein 15bps Limit einführen wollen um den Guncheats Herr zu werden. Um die Sicherheit der Spieler weiterhin sicher zustellen zu können kündigt die CFOA nun an das etwas geschehen wird in der 2005er Season. Was genau das nun ist wird wohl zur Zeit diskutiert. Der Artikel von Dale:15bps cap in PSP and CFOA?By Dale FordDec 18, 2004, 17:16Rumors and speculation are going around on the internet that the CFOA and PSP are to institute a 15 bps cap on player's markers for the 2005 season.There's some disagreement as to whether or not ramping, bounce or other enhanced modes will be allowed to get to the mandated cap. In an attempt to get some clarification on this issue, I emailed Larry Motes and Josh Silverman of the CFOA, and Lane Wright of the PSP. Thus far Mr. Silverman was kind enough to send along this response:While I cannot speak for Paintball Sports Promotions as I am neither employed or empowered by them to do so, I CAN speak for the CFOA, presented by National Paintball Supply. Promoter Larry Motes and myself, and several other advisors and members of the Advisory Board have indeed been examing this issue to great length. While we cannot, at this time, announce an official rule in regards to ramp, bounce and balls-per-second, I can say with complete confidence that things WILL change in the CFOA during the 2004 off-season that will directly affect the 2005 tournament season in our league. We view the issue as one of safety of our players, referees, staff and spectators above all else and feel that something MUST be done to reign-in the gun cheats, cheater boards, trigger bounce and high rate of fire before a player or other person is severely injured, blinded or worse. We value our players as friends, neighbors and in some cases family, as well as paying customers, and while we do not wish to place too many limitations on their equipment, we feel that our league must make a decision, take a stand and create rules to keep our games safe that are as enforceable and fair as possible for all of our players. As soon as the actual rules regarding this issue are written, reviewed, approved and inserted into our new 2005 rulebook, they will be immediately released for our players and the media. –Joshua D. Silverman, Sponsorship Coordinator and Media Liaison, Carolina Field Owners AssociationIf and when a response is gotten from the PSP, I'll post it here ASAP.UPDATE: 12/18/04I have heard from a reliable source that claims to have heard from Larry Motes of The CFOA that they are in fact going to implement a 15bps cap on all markers. The source wasn't clear on whether or not enhanced modes would be allowed to reach this cap or not.The stated reason for the implementation of the cap is a rash of boards/chips being purchased in the NC/SC area that are virtually undetectable. The source didn't know if the company selling them was the infamous AdvantagePB LLC., but he did state that a list exists naming 80-100 players in NC/SC who'd bought these chips/boards and that the source was attempting to get this list for possible publication. There are safety concerns as well, since when a marker has a chip that „Ramps“ the rate of fire or „Adds Shots“ then control of the marker is taken away from the player for the sake of achieving a higher rate of fire. This loss of control is what concerns Mr. Motes. Emails have been dispatched to Mr. Motes and Mr. Silverman of the CFOA, and any responses will be posted here. Pending clearance from our legal department, and pending the acquisition of the list of players using these chips/boards the publication of the list of players who've bought them may be made available as well.UPDATE:Mr. Silverman responds:Dale:I can only reitterate the statement I made to you previously. There has been no official decision made on this issue nor any official announcement of any alterations to our rulebook. What someone may have heard during a conversation with Mr. Motes or any other league representative is not legitimate news and should not be construed as such by any member of the media. Whether the CFOA decides to implement a rule such as the one rumored or not, I am slightly disappointed in the organization for perpetuating the rumors and confusion that were already of great enough severity surrounding this controversial topic. Again, when a rule is officially agreed-upon by the Advisory Board of the Carolina Field Owners Association, a release will be made to the public and you will be the first to know. Josh

Warpig: Ricochet Apache 2005 Review

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:04

[img]../newsimages/webnews2003/2004-12-20-title_apacheupdate.jpg[/img]Die Tester von Warpig haben den für 2005 verbesserten Apache Hopper von Ricochet genauer untersucht: Ricochet Apache 2005 Review

Chromophobia Winterserie 2004/2005 – Ergebnisse 2. Spieltag

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 00:07

Maxsimize 1 haben heute den zweiten Spieltag der Chromophobia Winterserie 2004/2005 gewonnen. Hier das Ranking des Tages:

01. Maxsimize 1
02. Maxsimize 3
03. Elysium rot
04. Massive Elements I
05. Poor Boys
06. Maxsimize 2
07. Xtreme
08. Massive Elements II
09. Hartzock
10. Elysium blau
11. Dirty Aninhilation
12. Paint It Black – Youngster
13. Elysium gelb
14. The Damned
15. Spaceballs

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