Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

15. Dezember 2004

Paintball7 Magazin – Ausgabe 16

Filed under: Media — Florian @ 20:03

Die Ausgabe 16 (Februar 2005) des Paintball7 Magazin ist heute erschienen. Dem Leser wird auf 54 Seiten dieser Inhalt geboten:

Redz Hurricanes
Gilbert Jacque liefert ein Porträt des Redz Factory Team

Malaga Beach
Chris Metzger herichtet vom spanischen Millennium-Event in Malaga

Angel Speed 05
Michael Kussmaul hat das neue Angel-Update von WDP getestet

Is everybody in?
Frank Gensthaler war bei den Maxs European Indoor Masters im deutschen Süden

Down Under: Inside MacDev
Down Under in der Tat: Manuel war im Land der Kängurus, im Paintballsport auch als Homebase von MacDev bekannt, und sprach mit dem Trio von MacDev

Kimme und Korn
Wie zielt man eigentlich richtig?`Gute Frage, allerdings. Dirk "Rehlein" Podubrin weiß, wie man wirklich zu Treffern kommt

Fit im Winter, Teil 2
Ralph Hartl präsentiert elf Übungen für alle, die in der kommenden Saison abräumen wollen

Live & Learn
Patrick Wrobel schreckt auch nicht vor Selbstkritik zurück- am Beispiel Syndicate zeigt er auf, wie man Optimierungsbedarf erkennt und angeht

Goggle on! OK, und was bracht man noch?
Björn Friebel gibt Antwort: Die Kaufberatung für Einsteiger

Product News
Neues von DerDer, Pro Toyz, JT und anderen

pbmax und SIS
Neuigkeiten aus der Schweiz

Defconen, NPL, Trainingsday in Graz
Zwei Seiten Austria-News!

Alles so schön flauschig hier? Ertappt! Unser Snapshot am Spielfeldrand

Custom Products – Website

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 19:22

Custom Products präsentieren ihre Produktpalette auf der neu gestylten Website. Betrachten kann man dort Läufe, Dropforwards, Regulatoren und vieles mehr.

FB Radio: December 14th, 2004

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:09

FB Radio: December 14th, 2004 – 32 Minuten lang News, News und News.

14. Dezember 2004

Ego News

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 19:16

Planet Eclipse hat zwei „Flashgames“ zu ihrer neusten Gun online gestellt: Ego Bodyshop und Ego ROF Modul findet ihr hier.Ego und E² Techclass Details:To continually increase our level of Technical Support and product awareness we are now offering Technical Seminars on the new Eclipse Ego, as well as the Eclipse blade E2 frame, starting in January 2005. Each course will last approximately 4 Hours, (Weekday morning Seminar 9am-1pm, Weekday Afternoon Seminar 2pm-6pm, Weekend Seminar 11am-3pm) and participants will be instructed on all aspects and features of their chosen product, as well as getting a behind the scenes tour of Planet Eclipse. You might even get to have lunch with Jack Wood!Participants must own either an Eclipse Ego or Eclipseblade E2 Cocker that they can bring with them to their chosen Seminar (make sure you bring the right one to the right course!), or markers can be pre ordered in advance (for purchase) to be collected at the appropriate Technical Seminar. The Technical Seminars are open to all customers, regardless of age or experience, and will be held at the Planet Eclipse World Headquarters in Manchester, England. Seminars are limited to 10 participants per class and we expect them to fill-up rapidly, so book in early to avoid disappointment!Dates for Tech Seminars in January 2005 are:Wednesday 12th January 2005 (Morning Session E2, Afternoon Ego)Saturday 22nd January 2005 (Ego Only)Wednesday 26th January 2005 (Morning Session E2, Afternoon Ego)There is a fee for the tech class of £25.00 per person paid in advance. Each successful participant (Yes, there will be a test) will receive the appropriate Eclipse Certificate, an Eclipse Tech Patch (level 1), and your name and details on the Planet Web site.So what does this mean?Level 1.A Guild of Eclipse Level 1 member will have attended a technical seminar on either the Eclipseblade E2 or the Eclipse Ego. He/she will have a thorough understanding of how the product works, be able to alter settings whilst understanding what the changes mean, have a working knowledge of the Trigger Transition filtering for anti-bounce and will be able to conduct regular maintenance without supervision. On the Ego course you will also have the chance to build an Ego nearly from scratch.Level 2.A Guild of Eclipse Level 2 member has worked with Eclipse, as part of the Technical Support team at a national event. They will have a thorough understanding of problem solving for all Eclipse products and will be able to educate others on how best to maintain their equipment.Level 3.A Guild of Eclipse Level 3 member will have worked a major tradeshow as part of the Eclipse Technical Support team. Level 3 membership is only available to Authorised Eclipse Dealers at this moment in time. Successful acquisition of Level 3 status will deem the Eclipse dealer an Authorised Eclipse Service Centre. Level 3 statuses can only be granted by an Eclipse Guru (see Levels 4+5).Level 4.Guild of Eclipse Level 4 can only be achieved by becoming a permanent member of the Eclipse Tech Support and Customer Service team at either Planet Eclipse Head Quarters or one of our satellite offices. Must also have completed levels 1, 2 and 3.Level 5.Only two people in the world have ever reached Guild of Eclipse Level 5 status, a secret that is so closely guarded that we have had to lock them away in our Research and Development lab at Eclipse HQ. So secret that they don’t even know who they are!!!!!To book into a Seminar please email Nicky T at: [email protected] more dates will be posted as soon as these January dates are full. If you want to get your name down nice and early for February or March then drop us an e-mail and let us know.Planet Eclipse. Helping you to help yourself.

JT und WGP ziehen unter ein Dach

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 18:53

Ab dem 1.Januar 2005 werden JT und WGP aus einem gemeinsamen Firmensitz aus operieren. Budd Orr wird die Leitung übernehmen und hat die Stellung des Präsidenten inne. Die auf Flagpull veröffentliche Pressemitteilung:Effective January 1, 2005, JT USA and WGP will consolidate their two operations into a single facility and operate under the direction of Bud Orr, President.In a move to ensure the efficient operation of the two businesses, and serve the customer base, JT USA and Worr Game Products will consolidate all operations into a single facility located in Corona, CA, the current home of Worr Game Products. The change will facilitate single orders and shipments for all WGP and JT products, more effectively serving the traditional market paintball dealer. All sales efforts will be managed by a single sales force representing all of JT�s and WGP�s legendary products. Extensive remodeling of the current facility will take place over the next several months to facilitate the change.Bud Orr, President, stated, �I am excited by this change. Consolidation of our operations allows us to offer the paintball dealer a single source for two of the greatest product lines offered in the paintball industry. Under this scenario, we will be able to offer our dealers savings on both product lines not before seen through more efficient shipping and handling of orders. In addition, we now offer our customers a single contact for much of their product needs through our consolidated sales efforts.�Much of the consolidation will be completed by January 1, according to Orr, but movement of some functions will not be completed until as late as June, 2005. However, all sales and distribution efforts will be complete and functioning in Corona by January 1st.Contact:Charles Prudhomme(479) 464-6612

13. Dezember 2004

CD – Pressemitteilung

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 20:47

[img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2004-12-13-cd_logo.jpg[/img]Das Team Consilium Dei möchte sich hiermit nochmals bedanken. Bei den Organisatoren für diese tolle Veranstaltung, dei den Teams für die Stimmen und bei Allen Anwesenden für die tolle Atmosphäre im Raum. Es war einfach super, wie versprochen wurden die Politics weggelassen. Was man auch klar an den unterschiedlichen Gewinnern sieht.Wir finden der großartige Event hat alle Skeptiker Lügen gestraft und so sollte jegliches Misstrauen jetzt ausgeräumt sein. Denn dieser Award ist mit Sicherheit eine wichtige Bereicherung für den Paintball Sport, der uns alle weiter bringt. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass im nächsten Jahr noch mehr Teams abstimmen, denn das ist das Einzige was der Award noch braucht um in der Öffentlichkeit an Wichtigkeit zu gewinnen.Unsere Vier Awards sprechen eine deutliche Sprache. Diese Auszeichnungen bedeuten uns sehr viel. Vielen Dank!· Bestes deutschsprachiges Amateur Team· Best Marshall Team· Most Stylish Team· Best Male Player: Christof „Wüschi“ WüthrichGlückwünsche auch an die Gewinner in den anderen Kategorien.Ebenso freut es uns neben zwei weiteren deutschsprachigen Teams zu den 5 besten europäischen Marshallteams auf der Millennium Series zuzählen. Dies bestätigt auch unsere Auszeichnung als bestes deutschsprachiges Marshall Team.Dies alles zeigt, dass die Zeit, Mühe, Arbeit und das Engagement das man in seinen Sport investiert doch nicht umsonst ist. Wir werden auch weiterhin unser Bestes geben!Mit freundlichen GrüßenPaintball Sportteam Consilium Dei[img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2004-12-13-Campaign04_094.jpg[/img]

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