Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

17. Dezember 2004

Smart Parts zum Wisconsin Prozess

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 11:01

Smart Parts haben gestern eine Pressemitteilung zum Prozess in Wisconsin herausgegeben. In dieser steht, widersprüchlich zur Pressemitteilung von WDP, dass sie weiterhin ihre Markierer verkaufen dürfen.


A four-day jury trial on NPF's allegations of patent infringement againstSmart Parts concluded Thursday, December 9, 2004 in the U.S. District Court
for the Western District of Wisconsin. The jury found claim 10 of U.S.Patent No. 6,311,682 (the '682 patent) invalid for obviousness. Claims 21 and 39 of U.S. Patent No. 6,615,814 (the '814 patent) were not found to be invalid for obviousness. All three claims had previously been found to be infringed in a November 17, 2004 Memorandum and Order. Several post trial issues remain pending and Smart Parts is preserving all of its legal rights.

Damages in the amount of $109,070 were awarded to NPF as a reasonable
royalty for Smart Parts' infringement and an injunction prohibiting Smart
Parts from future infringement of claims 21 and 39 of the '814 patent was
entered following the jury verdict on damages.

This does NOT affect Smart Parts' ability to market, sell, and distribute
its Shocker, Impulse, and Nerve paintball guns and will not detrimentally
affect the quality or performance of its markers in any way.

Smart Parts has already taken all the necessary steps to comply with the
terms of the injunction. Smart Parts' dealers and distributors therefore do
not need take any action with respect to their continued sales of Smart
Parts' products. The injunction does not apply to markers sold by Smart
Parts before December 9, 2004.

Any dealer inquiries should be directed to Smart Parts at (724) 539-2660.

Tomahawk Paintball – Website

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:51

Nach langer Wartezeit ist seit heute die Tomahawk Paintball Website online. Auf ihr kann man sich einen Überblick über die Tomahawk Produkt Palette verschaffen, sich für ein Teamsponsoring bewerben oder auch einfach nur über die Firma Tomahawk informieren.

Ein neues Produkt für 2005 kann man auch entdecken. Das neue Produkt nennt sich Tomahawk Boomerang und es handelt sich dabei um wiederverwertbare Gummibälle im .68 cal Stil, wie sie zum Beispiel auch Reball produziert.

16. Dezember 2004

Skyball 8 – Website

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 21:07

Vom 10. bis zum 12. März findet im Toronto Skydome der achte Skyball statt. Auf der Website kann man sich registrieren, es gibt einen Newsbereich, die bereits registrierten Teams, das Regelwerk, die Hotels im Umkreis, die besten Möglichkeiten wie man mit dem Auto und Flugzeug hinkommt und die ausgeschütteten Preise.

WDP Pressemitteilung über den Prozess

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 21:04

Eine Pressemitteilung zum vergangenen WDP gegen Smart Parts Prozess hat WDP heute veröffentlicht. WDP gewannen gegen Smart Parts, welche seit dem 9. Dezember keine Impulse, Shocker und Nerve mehr verkaufen dürfen.

Die Originalpressemitteilung:

PRESS RELEASE FROM WDP LTD. – 14 December 2005

On December 9, 2004, a jury in Madison, Wisconsin, found on behalf of NPF, its patent
infringement lawsuit against Smart Parts, Inc.. The trial began on December 6, in the United States
District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, before the Honorable John C. Shabaz.
The jury found that the asserted claims of NPF's U.S. patent number 6,615,814 were valid.
Earlier, on November 17, Judge John Shabaz found that the patent was infringed, as a matter of law,
by Smart Parts' Impulse, Shocker and Nerve markers. Following the jury trial, the court granted NPF's
motion for a permanent injunction, preventing Smart Parts from selling any infringing markers from
December 9, 2004, forward. This injunction will last for the life of the patent, until October 14, 2019.
The jury verdict has reaffirmed NPF's decision to protect its intellectual property rights. NPF has
a licensing program for the technology protected by this patent, and for the technology protected
by its other patents. Those manufacturers interested in incorporating reprogrammable microprocessors
into their electro-pneumatic markers, or incorporating other intellectual property protected by NPF's
patents into their markers, should contact:
Jon Green of WDP, Ltd., at [email protected] for further information.


Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:19

[img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2004-12-16-logo_crossmove390.jpg[/img]Leistungssteigerung für den professionellen Paintballspieler10 Jahre fundierte Paintball-Erfahrung stecken in der neuen CROSSMOVE-Kollektion, die sich in vielen technischen Details bemerkbar machen.Minimalistic ideas, maximum performanceSeit mehr als 3 Jahren verfolgen die erfahrenen Paintball-Experten von CROSSMOVE die Philosophie, innovative Bekleidung reduziert auf Details in höchster Qualität und Funktionalität für den Hochleistungssport zu entwickeln – Schwitzen und sich trotzdem trocken fühlen mit dem Ziel die Leistungsfähigkeit des Körpers zu steigern. Funktionelle Schnitte, extrem leichte, schnell trocknende, hautverträgliche Materialien. [img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2004-12-16-cmshirt.jpg[/img]Deshalb folgt das Team stets der Produktdevise: soviel Features wie nötig aber so wenig wie möglich. Durch den kontinuierlichen Erfahrungsaustausch mit erfahrenen Profisportlern, ist eine ständige Produktweiterentwicklung und -verbesserung gewährleistet. Um diesen Entwicklungsprozess auch in technischer sowie qualitativer Hinsicht umsetzen zu können, arbeitet das Team von CROSSMOVE eng mit führenden Material-Herstellern zusammen.Die Produkte bestehen zu einem Großteil aus einer meryl-microfaserkombination. Dessen Eigenschaften und Funktionen speziell für den Paintballsport angepasst wurden.Crossmove ist derzeit auf der Suche neue Teams mit einem Supportpackage zu unterstützen. Bewerbt euch jetzt unter [email protected] .Weitere Informationen bekommt ihr auch unter CROSSMOVEHerr Patrick Waltenberger6845 Hohenems, Bahnhofstr. 5Tel. +43 (0) 5576 – 42 77 1Fax: +43 (0) 5576 – 42 77 [email protected]

15. Dezember 2004

NPPL Super 7 – Annual Meeting

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:12

Heute Abend hat die NPPL und Pure Promotions eine Pressemitteilung über das Annual Meeting heraus gegeben. In diesem findet sich eine Auflistung aller teilnehmenden Vertreter, eine kurze Angabe über die NPPL in der Saison 2005 und die Struktur der Liga.

Unter Umständen wird bereits 2005 die Semi-Pro Division eingeführt, da während dem Meeting dies sehr häufig von den Teilnehmern angeregt wurde. Die Divisionen I-III werden 2005 in NPPL Super 7 US Divisions und NPPL Super 7 European Divisions unterteilt, dies wurde möglich da vier Events der Millennium Series (Maxs Masters, Dutch Masters Amsterdam, 7 Man World Cup Toulouse, Campaign Cup) zur NPPL zählen. Die Pros werden in einer NPPL Super 7 World Pro League spielen, unter Umständen kommt noch die Super 7 World Semi-Pro League dazu.

Hier die komplette Pressemitteilung:

The NPPL Annual meeting is a place where the players and the organization can come together to discuss issues as they relate to tournament paintball. The topics range from format and rules to how the players tents are set up. This year’s meeting was no different with many good ideas and suggestions for the 2005 season. Held December 9th at the Hilton Resort in Huntington Beach, 30 volunteer NPPL Members gathered together to discuss these issues and form committees to address concerns. We are all looking forward to an incredible 2005 World Series.

Attendees of the 2004 NPPL Annual Meeting were:

Chuck Hendsch – President NPPL
Camille Baker – Director of Marketing
Bart Walkerdine – Pure Promotions
Dan Perez – Ultimate Judge, NPPL
Toni Johnson – Sponsorships, Pure Promotions
Jasmine Vo – Memberships, NPPL
David Casey – NPPL Consultant
Dave Zinkham – Scrutineer
Sue Baker – D2, ACI Splat Factory
Jeff Hunter – D2 Faction and Zap Paintball
Chris Hass – Div I, Farside
John Rathbun – Pro, Evil Factory
Randy Wood – XPSL and Bonebrake Factory
Craig Fronsoe – Pro, Sedition
Ken Williams– Sedition A Team
Rodney Squires – Entourage
Joe Feola – captain of team Blue Knights
Peter Salgado – Div II – team for Rocken Paintball out of San Marcos
Justin Meese – Div II – captain of Atomix
Mike Paxson – The Men and Shock
Bart Monroe – Team LTZ, was D3
Bryan Cole “BBC” – Bonebrake Factory
Alex Fraige – Dynasty, Pro
Eric Crandall – Dynasty Manager
CJ Jackson – The Edge by, Div I
Bud Orr – Safety Council
Sonny Lopez – Worr Games
Ron Kilbourne – Bushwackers, Pro
Glen Forster – Dynasty, Pro
Tom Cole – Bad Company

The meeting started with a brief recap of the 2004 season sponsors, format, and successes with events, venues, ref training, media and television exposure. Goals for 2005 include re-writing and clarifying the rules in the NPPL Rule Book as well as restructuring the divisions (locking the pros, possibly adding a Semi-Professional Division) and addressing major safety concerns.

The attendees discussed the proposed structure for the 2005 Super 7 World Series and expressed a serious interest in adding a Semi-Professional Division in the 2005 season (while the NPPL had not been planning on not implementing this until the 2006 season). The decision on adding this division has not been made at this time.

The Super 7 Paintball World Series sanctioned by the NPPL will consist of five US and four European events. There will be a Super 7 World Pro League, possibly a Super 7 World Semi-Pro League, and Division I, II and III will be split up into Super 7 US Divisions and Super 7 European Divisions. This will be the first World Paintball Series

Many subjects about the structure, promotion and format of the Professional Division were lightly touched upon, but will be discussed in further detail at the Pro Captain’s Meeting which will be held this January (Pro Captains/Owners can contact Chuck Hendsch at (714) 536-9050 to register for the meeting).

The members discussed venues, tournament dates, rosters, entry fees, prizes, and the promotion and relegation of all divisions. Sub-committees were formed and will be making decisions on some of the above over the course of the next few weeks. A rough draft of the 2005 Rule Book was handed out to each attendee for review and discussion. Many rules are being altered and further discussed by the NPPL Rules Committee over the course of the next few weeks. A final version of the Rule Book will be available on our website this January.

Rules Committee
These people must be proactive and participate in meetings and discussions. The current Voting Members of the Rules Committee are:
NPPL President (Chuck Hendsch)
NPPL Ultimate Judge (Dan Perez)
NPPL Scrutineer (Dave Zinkam)
Promoter (Bart Walkerdine)
5 NPPL Members (Glen Forster, Ed Poorman, Pete Robinson, Tom Cole and Ron Kilbourne)

Sub Committee on new Semi Pro Bracket
NPPL President
Sue Baker
Tom Cole
Chris Hass
John Rathbun
Rodney Squires
Randy Wood
CJ Jackson

Disciplinary Committee
NPPL President
Event Promoter
Ultimate Judge
5 Head Judges

Equipment/Safety Committee
Paintball Manufacturer
Marker Manufacturer
Bottle Manufacturer
Goggle Manufacturer
NPPL President
NPPL Scrutineer

The NPPL is committed to providing players the best tournament competitions in the World. With your help we can make a difference. Results from the Committee decisions will be released to the public as they are confirmed in the weeks to come.

We want to thank all players, sponsors and supporters for a great 2004 and welcome everyone to participate in 2005. Registration for Huntington Beach 2005 opens January 7th at For more details please visit the website or contact the NPPL Office at (714) 536 – 9050.

Happy Holidays,
NPPL and Pure Promotions

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