Gerüchten zufolge soll beim Divisional X-Ball™ der PSP bald FullAuto erlaubt sein. Dieser darf allerdings keine 15 bps übersteigen.
31. Dezember 2004
30. Dezember 2004
Maxs Shoot Santa Gewinner
[img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2004-12-30-maxs-xboxghtp.jpg[/img]Der Gewinner des Maxs Shoot Santa Gewinnspiel wurde heute von Maxs bekannt gegeben. Zu gewinnen gab es eine XBOX inklusive Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball. Diese, besonders bei Paintballern beliebte Kombination, ist nun auf dem Weg nach Denzlingen in die Hände von Stefan Moritz.
IAPTE mit neuen Sponsoren
IAPTE haben mit X.O. Industries und Vengeance Paintball Distributors zwei neue Sponsoren für das 2005er International Amateur Paintball Turnier und Expo.
IAPTE, Inc. is proud to announce that a formal agreement has been reached between X.O. Industries, Vengeance Paintball Distributors, and IAPTE, Inc. regarding the sponsorship of the 2005 International Amateur Paintball Tournament and Expo, set to take place June 16-19, 2005 at the Florida State Fairgrounds.
Per the agreement, the IAPTE will be renamed to the “XO Industries International Amateur Paintball Tournament and Expo Presented by Vengeance Paintball”.
Two grades of paint will be available to competitors at the event, XO Industries Velocity and Menace, which will be available to all players for $65 and $75 a case respectively. Both grades of paint were tested and found to be of very high quality.
Dale Ford, Vice President of IAPTE, Inc. had this to say “I've shot nearly a case of the various grades of XO Industries paintballs, and I've found that it's a superior ball that shoots great, and breaks well. I'd be very comfortable using this paint to compete with, and I believe the athletes competing in the XO Industries International Amateur Paintball Tournament and Expo Presented by Vengeance Paintball will find that they're getting the best bang for their buck.”
Steve Davidson, Vice President of Vengeance Paintball Distributors stated “IAPTE is exactly the kind of event I've been encouraging the industry to host for the past 12 years: a reasonably priced, well managed and exciting introductory way for teams to gain a positive experience from national level competition. With the help of XO Industries, Vengeance will be supplying some of the best paint anyone has ever seen at a major event, at a killer price.”
For more information on the XO Industries International Amateur Paintball Tournament and Expo Presented by Vengeance Paintball, visit .
For more information on XO Industries and their line of paintballs, visit .
For more information on Vengeance Paintball, Southeastern Distributor for XO Paintballs, visit .
CenterFlag 4CE Tauschprogramm
CenterFlag bieten ein spezielles Tausch Programm für ihren neuen 4CE Regulator an. Der Kunde schickt dazu sein vorhandenes Luftsystem inkl. 4500 PSI Flasche ein und erhält für 149$ ein installiertes CenterFlag 4CE auf der miteingesendeten Flasche. Der vorherige Regulator wird nicht zurückgeschickt.
CenterFlag Products is offering a special trade in program for our new regulator. This program is intended for players who may have one of our air systems or a competitor's air system and wish to exchange the regulator out for the new 4CE regulator, while still using your existing tank. In order to request a trade in, click the Trade In button below or give us a call direct. You will need to give us your contact information and we will contact you back with a Return Authorization number. CenterFlag will be accepting 4500 psi tanks only.
Upon receipt of the cylinder, CenterFlag Techs will remove the existing regulator, inspect the bottle, install and test a 4CE system and package the tank for return shipment. We promise a 5 day turnaround which does not include shipping times.
*Note – CenterFlag will not return the old regulator.
Once the tank has been upgraded with the new regulator, we will pay for ground shipping back to you. You must pay shipping costs to get the product to us. If you would like faster shipping, simply pay the difference and we will ship it any method you prefer.
The charge for the trade in program is $149.00. The following is a list of what you will receive:
4CE Regulator Installed and Tested
Spring Kit which allows you to change the output pressure
Rebuild Kit
Instruction Sheet
Warranty Card
Return shipping at UPS Ground Rate
Miss Tampa 2004 singt beim IAPTE Event
Die Miss Tampa 2004 singt beim IAPTE Event, dies geht aus der aktuellen Pressemitteilung hervor, in der die Miss Tampa auch noch im kleinen Rahmen vorgestellt wird.
IAPTE, Inc. is proud to announce that Miss Tampa Florida 2004, Erin Gardner, will be singing the National Anthem at the XO Industries International Amateur Paintball Tournament and Expo Presented by Vengeance Paintball, scheduled to take place at the Florida State Fairgrounds June 16 – 19, 2005.
Erin is a University of South Florida graduate with a degree in Organizational Marketing. She currently works for VF Imagewear doing Sports Merchandising for the NFL, NHL, NCAA and NASCAR. VF Imagewear's brands include Vanity Fair®, Lee®, Wrangler®, The North Face®, and JanSport®.
In addition to working for VF Imagewear, Erin is also a very energetic volunteer. She is a Big Brother Big Sisters of Tampa Bay volunteer as well as the State Spokesperson for Big Brother Big Sisters High School Program and a volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters Cross Ethnic-Cross Gender Program, which promotes diversity and leadership in youth. Erin is also a Volunteer with the Children's Home as an advocate for Adoption and Adopted Children.
Furthermore, Erin has worked on the Special Events staff for the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) 2003 Men's Basketball Tournament.
Erin will be singing the National Anthem prior to the beginning of the finals on Sunday, June 19, 2005.
For more information on the XO Industries International Amateur Paintball Tournament and Expo Presented by Vengeance Paintball, visit .
For more information on XO Industries and their line of paintballs, visit .
For more information on Vengeance Paintball, Southeastern Distributor for XO Paintballs, visit .

NXe und Animal Paintball bieten Custom Gear an
NXe und Animal Paintball arbeiten ab dem Jahr 2005 zusammen und wollen Teams mit Custom Gear ausstatten. Hier die Pressemitteilung:
(Scottsdale Arizona) – and Animal Paintball will be offering custom
Team gear for the upcoming season.
John Bosch, President of commented “We are pleased and excited to be able to
work with Mondo and the entire team at Animal Paintball to offer a custom solution
for those teams who want it.” Bosch, went on to say, “It is very important to us at
to always offer a top quality product.” “In saying that this association with Animal
will ensure that the Paintball community will receive top quality products fromAnimal
Paintball in the custom jersey's they offer as well as gear.”
The custom gear will be available directly through Animal Paintball. For
Information about and Animal Paintball visit their websites at, or call Animal Paintball at (866) 729-0364.