Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

4. November 2004

RL Freestyle

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:52

Vergleichbar mit den Naughty Dogs bekommt die Russian Legion nun neben ihrer Alias Timmy nun auch eine eigene ICD Freestyle. Wir haben Bilder dazu:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-04-russen-freestyle_1.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-04-russen-freestyle_2.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-04-russen-freestyle_3.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-04-russen-freestyle_4.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-04-russen-freestyle_5.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-04-russen-freestyle_6.jpg[/img]

3. November 2004

VL Evo II – Verbesserungen

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:36

Viewloader hat ihren bekannten Evolution II Hopper überarbeitet und einige Details verbessert.Die Verschraubung des Deckels übernehmen nun neue Clips aus Kunststoff:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-03-new-evo-deckelschraube.gif[/img]Am Feedneck ist die Schraubenaufnahme verstärkt worden:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-03-new-evo-feedneckschrauben.gif[/img]Im Batteriefach wurde ein Gummipuffer zur Entlastung das Batteriefachs eingesetzt:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-03-new-evo-ganz.gif[/img]

Facefull #24

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:57

[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-11-03-ff_24-.jpg[/img]Hier könnt ihr euch über den Inhalt der kommenden Facefull #24 informieren:The following takes place today…issue 24 hits newsstands everywhere.We’re giving you one more week to explore the newest issue 24 onlineYou’ll get a look at this issue’s profiles, check out tournament summaries, Jack Wood’s verdict on the NXL’s full auto response, and venture deep into this issue’s feature, with our paintball patent research files, downloadable pdf files, press releases, diagrams and much more to act as a complete companion to the most detailed article on the paintball patent wars.That’s right.It’s the patent issue.Copyright this!The topic that nobody wants to touch. The topic that has haunted the paintball industry for the past year is now out of the bag and in the open. We will give you the most updated and detailed account of case No. 02-1557-KI, otherwise known as the Smart Parts/WDP patent war. We take you deep inside what makes the world go around: intellectual property, how it is applied to the paintball industry, and what this means for you, the player. And we’ve got our own patent attorney to prove it.Jack’s backAnd he’s ready to tell you what he thinks about the NXL’s marker law: everything bar full automatic? What does this mean for NXL players, for marker manufacturers, for marshals and for the industry as a whole? His name is Wood… Jack Wood, and he’s fighting for you. But can he do it in under 24 hours?The following takes place between pages 1 and 226…WDP’s Gerard Green, Team Avalanche, Kenny Klamper, Middle East paintball, Madrid, Norway, Las Vegas, North East Open, portfolios, a packed World Book, WDP’s Speed 05 and Smart Parts’ Nerve under the microscope, gear, gizmos, video game news, our exclusive VIP forum and Rich Telford’s extremely helpful hints on how to be a good captain… or babysitter.24… an all new issue,Premieres today, in newsstands everywhere.In your face in your

Killing Machine

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:42

Killing Machine beite auf seiner Homepage drei T-Shirts, Sticker und eine Reihe Desktop Wallpapers an. Die Idee und die Geschichte hinter der „killing Machine“ ist ebenfalls dort zu finden:Hello: or what in the hell is all thisKilling Machine was an idea born on a cold car ride back from Toronto in the winter of 2000.Killing Machine was also a small skate company, run by a skater named Brian Munn who grew up in the same small town as us. Brian made hardware for boards, and the occasional t-shirt. He drank beer out of a giant coffee travel mug and he was willing to let us give the idea a try in paintball.Killing Machine debuted as a an apparel company at the 2000 Amateur Open. Then it dropped out of sight for awhile, pushed aside by a million seemingly more important things. Brian's Killing Machine dropped out of sight as well, and Brian himself moved off over the horizon to the land of the setting sun (California).Killing Machine never really went away though. It has been kept alive over the intervening four years by countless players, friends and cohorts who didn't want to see the concept die. It's been kept alive by a few dozen battered t-shirts and some homemade stickers. It is the side project that just won't die. Four years later, now seems as good a time as any to try again.We'll have the first new batch of Killing Machine shirts at the World Cup next week, with more to follow at the NPPL San Diego event next month. Shipping might be interrupted a bit while we're all down in Orlando, but all orders will be filled by the first of November.And Brian, if you see this, please, get in touch

GHTP für Feld- und Ladenbetreiber

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:33

68caliber haben eine Pressemitteilung zu Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball veröffentlicht. Danach können nun Besitzer von Paintballfelder und Shops nun Exemplare zum weiterverkaufen vorbestellen:GHTP available for fields and storesBy Greg HastingsNov 2, 2004, 15:32“Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball” and Activision are excited to announce that retail Paintball stores and fields will be able to purchase and resell the first ever console Paintball video game. GHTP releases on November 18th for X Box and Activision recognizes the importance of having this “grass roots” video game be available right in the local Paintball stores.Contact the following authorized distributors today. GHTP cannot be purchased wholesale by Paintball stores anywhere else and price integrity will be kept firm. Call now to get your copies pre ordered from any of these fine companies!! American Paintball Supply, 877-262-2557Action Village, 888-679-4327Tippmann, 1-260-749-6022Dye, 1-858-536-5183PMI, 1- 847-233-9900WGP, 1-800-755-5061In Europe, Paint Xtreme: +49-(0)6087-989-120Previews for this great title continue to pour in. Check out these awesome sights for a complete preview of Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball.< can also check out for all the latest news about GHTP.

FB Radio: November 2, 2004

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:23

Über das zweite Wochende des World Cups, kommende Reviews und Dale´s neue Liebe:FB Radio: November 2, 2004

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