Der erste Paintball-Fanclub wurde am 28. Oktober 2004 von Dynasty ins Leben gerufen. Er nennt sich "Dynasty Winners Circle" und bietet den Mitgliedern für 20$ einige Leistungen. Die Leistungen bestehen aus folgenden Punkten:
– Spezielles Dynasty Winners Circle Shirt
– Signiertes 20 * 25 cm großes Teamphoto
– Verlosungen von Dynasty Jerseys nach jedem gewonnenem Event
– Monatlicher Newsletter mit exklusiven News, Tips, Wettbewerben und Specials
– Live Online Chats mit dem Team
– Spezielle Meet & Greet Möglichkeiten bei Turnieren
– EMail Updates von den Turnieren mit aktuellen Resultaten
– und vieles, vieles mehr
Dazu haben wir für Euch auch noch die Original Pressemitteilung:
Dynasty Winners Circle
Dynasty Launches Paintballs First Fan Club—Dynasty Winners Circle
October 28, 2004—Dynasty was in Orlando, Florida for the PSP World Cup when they launched paintballs first ever fan club, the Dynasty Winners Circle. Designed as a way for Dynasty to connect with and communicate with their fans, the Winners Circle offers lots of great benefits to the members.
Winners Circle memberships are currently at a special $20 introductory price until January 1, 2005. For $20, members receive the following:
—Special Dynasty Winners Circle shirt available only to members
—Autographed 8×10 team photo
—Raffles after each event for game-worn jerseys
—Monthly newsletter with exclusive news, tips, contests, and specials
—Live online chats with the team
—Special meet and greet opportunities at tournaments
—Email updates from the tournaments with up to date results
—Lots, lots more
Since this is something brand new to the sport, as well as the team itself, Dynasty is working hard to find the best ways to keep in touch with and reward their fans. Ideas for special contests, giveaways, and videos are some of the many things we've discussed as ways for the team to give back to their fans.
If you like Dynasty, this is a great way to show your support for the team, and get lots back in return.
To join the Dynasty Winners Circle go to or email [email protected]