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21. September 2004
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Jason Green Interview (Philly Americans)
PbStar: Jason Green, Philly Americans Interview Jason Green of the Philly Americans and Paintball Atlanta tells us about the NXL, what it's like to play for free, and answers the one question that's on everybody's mind: drop forward or no drop forward?PbStar: So tell us your name, age, occupation, and team you play for.Jason Green: My name is Jason green, I play for Philadelphia Americans, and most of the time you can find me working at paintball Atlanta. PbStar: How long have you played paintball? Jason Green: I’ve been playing for 13 years. PbStar: What was your first paintball gun? Jason Green: My first paintball gun was actually a traccer, a PMI traccer pump gun. PbStar: Wow, Jason, you must be old. Anyways, what’s the best move you made in paintball? Jason Green: The best move in paintball, man that’s hard, I don’t know, I guess my best move was playing Baltimore Trauma at the Chicago event, and it came down to a three-on-one and I actually pulled it off and we won. PbStar: That’s awesome. Do you like the rings that your team was presented with at PSP Chicago open? Jason Green: Well of course, I love them, they’re nice, a little big, but they’re nice. PbStar: How do you think your team is doing so far this year? Jason Green: I think were doing pretty good so far. PbStar: Your team managed to take first place last year in the NXL. Do you think you guys can pull it off again at the World Cup? Jason Green: I think we have a pretty good chance, a pretty good chance to win the league again. PbStar: What do you expect of the outcome after the top four NXL teams play the top four EXL teams (European Xball League?) Jason Green: I think we can beat ‘em. I think the top us teams should be able to beat ‘em. But the Russian legion looks pretty scary. PbStar: Yeah, they definitely got Dynasty in the finals. How do you think you as an individual did last week and how do u think your team did last week altogether at Northeast Open? Jason Green: Well, I think we did very well last week and I think our team did very well last week too, we played better than we almost have all year. PbStar: How often does Philly practice? Jason Green: At least twice a month. PbStar: Do u scrimmage other teams? If so who? Jason Green: Umm, we’ve scrimmaged, usually we play Miami quite a bit, New York Xtreme we’ve uhh, we’ve played New York quite a bit, who else do we play, we’ve practiced Dynasty this year, and that’s about it right there. PbStar: How do u think Miami will do at world cup considering they just came up to the NXL and that they’re killing everybody…not. Jason Green: Miami has great players, it just depends on if they can pull together as a team. PbStar: Where does Philly practice? Jason Green: We have our own field, its about 45 minutes out from Pittsburgh. PbStar: Is it a private field? Jason Green: Yes, it’s private. PbStar: Is it close to Smart Parts? Jason Green: Umm, it’s probably a good 30 minutes away from Smart Parts. PbStar: Do you play any rec ball yourself? Where? Jason Green: I rarely get to play rec- ball but when I do I just play at Paintball Atlanta. PbStar: Yeah, I remember back in the day you shot me once, that was when the new shocker wasn’t out yet but you had one and everyone was going crazy about it. Anyways, how do you think Philly will do at the upcoming NXL/PSP world cup? Jason Green: I think we have a pretty good chance to win it, I’m not positive, but I think we’ve got a chance. PbStar: Are you guys going to make any changes (such as style of play, roster…etc) in preparation for world cup? Jason Green: Probably not, usually the way we play our game is according to who we’re playing at the time, but as far as roster and stuff like that goes, no. PbStar: That definitely makes sense, different teams play different styles of play. Anyways, what position do you play for Philly? Jason Green: Usually you’ll find me in the middle of the field, close to the X somewhere, somewhere a slow person can go. PbStar: In Xball, there are lots of games, and lots of different plays your team does. Are there any certain roles that you have (i.e. other positions, etc?) Jason Green: umm, no, like I said I play the X a lot, and if the field allows me I’ll get in the snake. PbStar: Who are your team’s sponsors? Jason Green: We have Smart Parts, and they are our main sponsor, we have Draxxus, Halo, and that’s really about it. PbStar: And V-force? Jason Green: And V-force. PbStar: Where/ when did you start playing paintball? Jason Green: I started playing at Paintball Atlanta when I was about 13 years old, and I was just another regular playing at the local field. PbStar: What was the first real team you played for? Jason Green: The first real team I played for was Team Xtreme PbStar: So how long have you played professional paintball? Jason Green: I started playing professional paintball in 1996, and then I actually left for a while and then came back about four years ago with the All Americans and then Philly. PbStar: What were your previous teams? Jason Green: I’ve played with Xtreme, I’ve played with Farside, I’ve played with OBR, All-Americans, and now Philly. PbStar: How did you become interested on playing for Philly? (How did they pick u up?) Jason Green: I was playing with OBR back around 1999 or 2000 and we had been playing good that year, we actually never took first but placed first but we placed in the final four every tournament that year. All Americans took half of that team including me, and then they became Philly. PbStar: Do you like the NXL? Jason Green: I love the NXL. PbStar: Do you think that the promises made by the NXL (i.e. salaries, TV deals) will ever come through? Jason Green: Yeah, I think they will, for how long and when, I’m not sure, but I think they will. PbStar: Did these promises alter your decision to go play in the NXL? Jason Green: It definitely makes you want to stick around, if those promises don’t come through, then I know everyone in the NXL will be really disappointed. PbStar: Have you been invited to play for anyone else while you play in the NXL? Jason Green: No, I usually don’t get that many offers to play for other teams. PbStar: What’s your current gun setup? Jason Green: I have a 04 shocker, with a 45 4500 max-flo, and yes I have a drop forward on my gun, but it’s small. PbStar: Is it then one that comes stock on the new shockers? Jason Green: Yes. PbStar: Did you start playing paintball with anyone who still plays today (such as dynasty, how most of them played together since the beginning?) Jason Green: umm. No I don’t think so, the only person I can think of is Rob Stauddinger, who plays for Trauma. PbStar: What’s the best thing about being a pro paintball player? Jason Green: Being able to get everything you need for free. This includes airfare, meals, hotels, and of course guns, jerseys, and other gear. PbStar: What do you like more- a NPPL match (3 games, best of 2 wins wins), a normal 1 game match, or X ball? Jason Green: I like Xball the best. PbStar: Why? Jason Green: Because you play about 20 games or so…or higher in Legacy’s place… and not just one, so if your team just really screws up one game doesn’t mean you’ve lost the match, you have plenty of opportunities to redeem yourself. PbStar: What’s the best advice you can give players, new and experienced? Jason Green: That’s a tough one, I would have to say just keep playing and you’ll get better. PbStar: Any final thoughts, comments, questions for me, or anything you’d like to mention or thank? Jason Green: No, I think that’s about it, thank you for interviewing me.
19. September 2004
Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball – Website
Die Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball Webseite ist jetzt auf der Activision Value Website zu finden. Auf ihr erhält man einen Überblick über das Spiel, die Story, Screenshots und Support/FAQ.