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7. September 2004
Flagpull – Artikel über die PSP
Bei Flagpull gibt es einen sehr interessanten Artikel über die PSP. Er wurde anonym verfasst und handelt von der Location der North-East Open, der NXL, der 10 Man Division, Marshalls und vieles mehr.
Der Originaltext:
NXL/PSP Pittsburgh
By: The Genius
Alright, there is WAY too much crap and rumors and hype on the internet aboutwhat went down at the Pittsburgh event last week. Take it from someone who playsa decent role in promoting both major series and knows everyone, this is howit all went down. Granted half of this is just my personal opinion on the PSP,but hey, everything is someones personal opinion, so if you don't like it, writesomething up yourself, jackass.
First, the location, Nemacolin's resort. A beautiful place to play………golf. Paintball?Not so much. Just because we've become used to playing on grass doesn't meanyou have to fly us out to a field 2 hours away from the airport in the middleof Hicksville, PA. I may not know the literal reason why the NXL chose this site,but it seems kinda clear. Dick Clark was present at the event, as were many highlevel VIP's from Nemacolin and other large companies that the NXL was tryingto get investment dollars from. I know what your saying; “Investment dollars?But I thought Dick Clark bought the TV rights himself?”. Yes, he did, but thatdoesn't mean he's footing the bill for the camera crews, editing, and productioncosts to actually get the friggin' thing on the air. The solution, throw an eventknown for great PGA tournaments and bring a bunch of loud mouth, rule breakingweekend warriors down to tear shit up. In what appeared to be an obvious attemptto purely attract NXL money, the rest of the Divisional Xball teams and 10manteams got to pay the price, literally, in the form of gas money driving to hotels40min away, parking fee's at the event, not to mention the extreme lack of nicerestaurants. And it's a good rule of thumb to not wanna buy your sandwich froma building that also houses a grocery store and a Radio Shack. “More batteryacid on your fries sir?” “Why yes, pile that shit high to the sky, Mr. Cletus”.
My favorite part was watching 60yr guys that probably think we were NationalGuard reservists in training trying to comprehend this game, and also probablywondering why more than half the NXL games had less than HALF of the crowd ofany Div. 1 game. Bottom line, the NXL appears to be staggering, this event seemsto have been a last ditch effort to get TV money going, and the rest of us gotto take it up the ol' anus.
Next up, the reffing. The NXL ref's are good, really good. They catch everything,the players don't dispute their calls, perfect. Too bad no ones watching theNXL games. Take a walk over to the Div. 2 fields to see 10yrs. (not joking) pullinga 5min penalty on what would be considered at most a 2min penalty or not evena penalty at all, depending on the judge. The only thing better than that iswatching the “pro trained ref's” lose their cool and start yelling at the playersand getting on a power trip that they have no business tapping into. The onlypeople that should be allowed to harass the players should be the organizerslike Rosie, and Rosie sure did flex his zero tolerance muscle, a little too much,but most of it is necessary, until you just start yelling at people because YOURref's are fucking up and you just wanna seem like the tough guy that can makeanyone shut up cuz he pays rent-a-guards $8 a hour to do whatever he says, includingbanning you from the site for no real reason. Way to blow it, Robocop.
10man ref's, my god. Is there any wrung on the paintball stature ladder thatis lower than a 10man ref? The answer your looking for is no. HELL no. Theseguys hate life and I'm right there with em', watching what used to be our primaryform of competition (10man) just two years ago, now get tossed aside (or morelike “to the back”) of the location, where only the diehards dare stray to watcha couple games. To be a Ten man Pro/Am team is to admit that you either hateXball or just plain can't cut it. Or your name is Justice and you wanna avoidany strict competition and just beat up on teams until your forced to play Super7 amateur next year cuz you couldn't make the pro cut. If you're a 10man noviceor rookie team, what the hell is the matter with u? The only media out thereis Cleo and the only reason she's out there is to take $20 a roll, crappy filmshots of your team so that you'll buy them at some absurd price so you can havea nice blurry picture of yourself standing still and dropping a pod on your toeto hang on your mantle at home. Bottom line, I love 10man, I still think theworld loves tenman, but the PSP hates it, and that's all that matters, cuz it'sprobably disappearing altogether either this next season or the following one.Here's a good question: If the NXL and PSP are supposed to be two separate leaguesand two separate entities, why doesn't anyone make 10man more noticeable andwhy is it obvious that both PSP and NXL are trying (and failing) to make NXLmatches the main attraction? Think about it.
Now, its not all rain clouds and hate storms, there are a couple things rightwith the NXL. I like the format, the penalty system, the scoring system. I dobelieve it's the right form of paintball for TV. The main problem? The wrongpeople are running the series. The only reason the NXL has lasted this long inmy opinion is Mike Ratko. Why? Cuz he does EVERYTHING himself, with no staffover than his ref core, which run like a machine on their own anways. Ref's needrakes? Mike gets em'. PA system needs to be set up? Mike gets the cords and setsit up. Players have trouble understanding the rules? Mike drops everything andhelps them out. Jesus Christ people, the Super 7 has enough staff that if Owenor Chuck crapped their pants, two little Super 7 minions would be out there wipingtheir asses clean within' a 30 sec. time frame. Meanwhile, were watching onevery determined stressed out man run what the top leaders in our industry arecalling the TRUE form of paintball? Why don't these top companies (SP, National,DYE, Draxxus) shell out a extra $1000 each for the next event to stack the sidelineswith girls to attract viewers, give away freebies, and to walk around to makesure people come back to watch the NXL games, instead of just hoping the Dynastvs. Russian Legion game doesn't steal all their thunder? The answer is, the PSPchoses to let things ride, let poor planning rule the day, and just hope it turnsout alright in the morning. Not to divulge what I do for a living, but my entireway of life/job revolves around perfecting schedules, problem solving, and tryingto figure out every possible solution weeks before the project ends just so I'mready to deal with the UNFORSEEN problems that always occur. The PSP doesn'tdo this, so now the easily fixed problems that they didn't plan for launch intomajor problems that must now be dealt with that exact second and now it justsets up the domino effect of destruction that's become synonymous with this leagueall year long.
Finally, the Alberto (Bear) D'Egidio fiasco. This is how it was planned and thisis how it went down. The HK's were sitting with members of Avalanche and Infamous(all parties shall remain nameless unless I change my mind in the next 5min).They got the idea to hogtie a couple of their own members and then got the brightidea to try it out on Bear. HK's relationship with Giovanni and SC Village? Controversyin the past, which was worked out and now SC Village continues to sponsors theHK's, despite what others think and what happened in Pittsburgh. Well, they (letscall him G. Glaze, wait no, that's too obvious…….. Gator G., much better.) tooklittle Panda to the ground, with no intent on hurting him, and Bear got spookedand starting to get spooked a little, as any 12yr kid would when a reptile alliGatorgrabs your arm and goes into a roll. Gio acted as any father would, and any loyalteammate, and defended his son. While Jules Foote played a part in the madness,he didn't set up the attack nor took Bear to the ground. Jules already has boththe PSP and Super 7 trying to ban him for the next season, and made a point totell his teammates that he's gonna lay low and let all storms blow over. Well,Gio apparently saw something, threw Gator to the ground, and wrapped Jules'sheadband around Jules neck, swinging him side to side while yelling “Apologize!!Apologize!!”. Anyone that thinks Gio overacted is a lying sack of shit, cuz weall know we'd do the same thing to someone for LESS than what they did to Bear.What ensued was a crazy conglomeration of security guards yelling at Gio andtrying to disperse the crowd. Talking to Gio this past week, he's still tryingto figure out exactly what happened with a calm head, and no longer blames theHK team.
So to sum it all up. Probably the worst event of the year, worst reffing, mostpissed off players, most misuse of power. We'll probably never see somethingthis terrible ever again……….at least not until World Cup. Cya guys there. Nowif you'll excuse me, I gotta go get a x-ray taken care of.
The Genius
NPPL – Las Vegas 2004 Feldlayouts
Traumaheadsportz – neue Trailer
Drei neue Trailer gibt es bei Traumaheadsportz. Zwei davon sind Trailer von denNPPL Super 7 Series Events in Denver und Tampa, der dritte Trailer ist von demPSP Event in Chicago.
TonTons – neue Videos
Die TonTons Flingueurs haben zwei neue Videos auf ihrer Website. Das erste Video zeigt das zweite Halbfinalspiel Dynasty gegen Arsenal beim 7 Man World Cup in Toulouse und das zweite Video ein Division 1 Semi Finalspiel zwischen Visionsund Kellys.
5. September 2004
NPPL – Las Vegas Teamliste
Am kommenden Wochenende wird in Las Vegas die NPPL Super 7 gespielt. Parallel dazu findet in London der Campaign Cup statt, dessen Teilnehmerfeld leider nicht mehr so hochkarätig ist wie in den letzten Jahren. Viele EXL Teams sind ebenfalls für das Event in Las Vegas gemeldet, um sich noch einen Platz in der Pro Division für die Saison 2005 zu ergattern.
Bad Company
Brass Eagle
Brimstone Smoke
Bushwackers Intl.
Eclipse Factory
Ice Men
Jax Worriors
Joy Division
London Tigers
Naughty Dogs Inc.
New York Raiders
Organized Crime
Redz Hurricanes
Shockwave U.K.
Team Rage
Tippmann Effect
Triple Tap
Division 1:
Adopted Rage
Arsenal A Team
Bonebrake Factory
Brimstone Fire
Chicago Element
Colorado Shooters
Dallas Roots
Docs Raiders
Eclipse Factory
Future Ball
MR Paintball Factory Team
Naughty X Nature
Outkast LV (was Livin Legends)
Prophecy (was Evil Odyssey)
Psycho Circus
The Edge by Firstcallpaintball.com
TX Storm
Viewloader AllStars
Division 2:
808 Xtreme Poidogz
ACI – Splat Factory
B*Slap Factory Team
Bonebrake Factory II
Bushwackers Orange County
Chop Shop
Denver Altitude
Docs Raiders Black
Hard Drive
HG Gangstas
Houston Hurricanes
Infamy (was PbMegaStore.com)
Karma Black
Los Angeles Exodus
LTZ's Destiny
Maxim 2 Factory
Mox Nix
Pro Killer Factory
Sharp Shooters Altitude
Sharp Shooters XXX
Shooters & Looters Div II
Stoned Assassins
STP Severe
Street Hustlers
TC Factory
TCP Machine
Team Blaze
Team Impact
Team Nxe
The Edge Kids
Thug Life
Tombstone, Saltlake Xtreme
Wasaga Beach Boyz
Division 3:
A+ and FBM Factory
APC Factory (Dominion)
Atomix LBD
BA Factory
BK Factory Team
Chicago Torq
Circle Factory
Counter Strike Paintball
Crims Factory
Digital Paintball Factory
Dirty Dozen
Expo Army
Extreme Fury
Femmes Fatale Dye
Femmes Fatale Proto
Flipped Out
Full Force Factory
Hypnotic Hotshot
Illusion Kidz
Just Paintball
Karma Yellow
L.A. Exodus Kidz
L.A. Wildcards
Last Minute
Oh No's
Paintball Mart Factory Team
PaintballHQ Factory
PTI (was RI Extreme)
Rezz Doggs
Richmond Riot
SF Paintball Center
Shooters & Looters
So-Cal Paintball Factory
Splash's Wicked Seven
Splatdome Factory
TCP Horizontal Reign
Team Panic
Texas Nitro
Xmen Hawaii
Yard Dogs Chronic
Zero Tolerance