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8. Juli 2004

NXL Spieler = NPPL Pro

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:44

Die NPPL hat beschlossen das die NXL Teams, die seit kurzer Zeit nun auch wieder andere Liegen und Turniere ausserhalb der NXL spielen dürfen, als NPPL Pro einzustufen. Unter aderem werden Chicago Aftershock als Shock und die Ex-Miami Effect Spieler als Infamous die NPPL Pro Division spielen.

Team Rage back @ WDP

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:35

Mitten in der Seasion den Gun Sponsor zu wechseln ist ein Wagnis das nicht jedes Pro Team eingehen würde: NPPL Urgestein „Team Rage“ hat es getan! Nach einer kurzen Zeit bei Smarts Parts wechseln die Pros aus Florida zurück zu WDP und ihrer neuen Angel hat ein paar Details und Stimmen der Beteiligten:The NPPL’s only Florida based Pro Team, Team Rage, have switched sponsors and equipment from Smart Parts shockers to WDP and their new 31bps Angel Fly’s in an unprecedented move that sees an established Pro team switch gear half way through the season. Rage captain and life-long NPPL supporter, Chino, confirmed the move, saying;“We were an Angel team for 2 years and know what WDP do to offer their teams the technical service and support that is vital to a team with serious ambition. Rage never fell out of love with Angels, and as soon as I heard the reports on the Angel Fly I had to check it out. As a captain you have to look at every opportunity to improve the team, either by scouting talent on the field or scouting gear off it. I feel that with better equipment and WDP’s technical support we are better placed to get the results we need.” Rage were one of the founding NPPL teams and have continued to support the league throughout all the political wrangling and unrest that has plagued the last 18 months. Despite their reputation as an ‘Old School’ team the average age is 21. After 18 months with Smart Parts the team has returned to Angels after enjoying considerable success with the Angel LCD from 1999-2001. Rage gained further notoriety in the NPPL last season in some highly contested games against fellow Pro teams Nexus and Dynasty, both won by Rage. WDP representative Owen Ronayne said of their new signings;“We welcome Rage back to the family. Chino has a young ambitious team that we think will only get stronger next season. Florida, and southern Florida in particular, is an east-coast breeding ground for new paintball talent. Rage have capitalized on this talent and have now built a team that is afraid of no-one, and will definitely challenge for honors in 2005, if not before. The team recognizes the advantage that the Fly will give them, together with the support and technical assistance they have been looking for. Team support is something you will see us up-scaling yet again this year. We are issuing all our sponsored players with Sponsored Athlete cards, which get them VIP treatment at our tech Support booth. The tech support booth is not all about fixing guns, it is about making sure that our sponsored athletes have their equipment tweaked and fine-tuned for optimum performance at all times, and have the very best chance at reaching their goal, which is winning events. Chino is a very experienced captain, and knows what this level of support means to a top Pro team. He told me this is one of two primary reasons Rage have switched sponsors, the other being the ability to blow teams up with Fly-power. It’s going to be very interesting watching a Fly’ed up Rage getting amongst them!”

Spyder Teams

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:01

Eine Pressemitteilung von Toxic Paintball:Wir suchen das XSF Spyder Team! Ihr seid ein Team aus Spyderspielern? Ihr spielt Turniere, egal welches Format? Dann suchen wir euch fuer unser Toxic XSF Advantage Spyder Team! Schreibt uns – wer ihr seid – aus welchem Bundesland ihr kommt – euer Teamformat – warum gerade ihr das von uns supportete Team sein wollt.Voraussetzung ist, das ihr einen XSF Kit kompatiblen Markierer besitzt. Sollte die Wahl auf dein Team fallen, dürft ihr XSF Kits zum special Toxic Preis sowie als supportetes Toxic Paintball Team Verguenstigungen auf alle Artikel im Toxic-Shop erwarten. Wir freuen uns auf eure Bewerbungen an [email protected]

7. Juli 2004

FON – World Cup Toulouse Bilder

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:24

FON hat eine sehr schöne Bildergallerie online.[img]../newsimages/webnews2003/2004-07-07-Toulouse04_171.jpg[/img]

PMI einigt sich mit Smart Parts

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:19

Eine Presseerklärung zum Lizens Vertrag von PMI und Smat Parts lautet wie folgt: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 6, 2004 Smart Parts Website: PMI Website: Pursuit Marketing, Inc. and Smart Parts, Inc. Settle Dispute Over Patent Rights July 6, 2004 Smart Parts, Inc. (“Smart Parts”) and Pursuit Marketing, Inc. (“PMI”) today announced the signing of a Settlement Agreement resolving a dispute with respect to Smart Parts’ electronic paintball gun patents. Although the precise terms of the agreement are confidential, PMI has agreed to pay Smart Parts an undisclosed amount of money to forego litigation over PMI’s proposed PIMP kits and paintball markers. PMI only acknowledged the validity and enforceability of certain claims of Smart Parts’ patents as they are applied to paintball markers that use an electro-pneumatic valve to operate a bolt assembly, and has agreed that, as long as Smart Parts is the sole and exclusive owner of this technology, it will not engage in future production of markers that use an electro-pneumatic valve to operate a bolt assembly unless it first obtains a valid license from Smart Parts. Smart Parts owns several issued patents and pending patent applications related to the use of electronics in the control and operation of paintball guns. These include, for instance, U.S. Patent Nos. 6,637,421 B2; 6,474,326 B1; 6,035,843; 5,967,133; and 5,881,707.

5. Juli 2004

NPPL Super 7 auf FOX TV

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 20:25

Das NPPL Event in Dallas (16-18 July) wird diesmal von FOX Sports Net – Rocky Mountain im Fehrnsehen übertragen. Damit können 2,8 Millionen Menschen die Dallas Open empfangen.

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