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22. Mai 2004

GPPL 2004 – 2. Spieltag AM (Ergebnisse)

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 18:38

Der zweite Ligatag der 2004er AM GPPL fand am Samstag den 22.Mai in Schonungen bei Scheinfurt statt. Mit folgendem Ergebniss ging der Ligatag, bei herrlichem Wetter, zu Ende:[img]../newsimages/04ergebnisse/2004-05-22-2004 GPPL Tag 2 AM.gif[/img]

21. Mai 2004

Paintball auf der X-Box

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 08:50

Es gibt seit einiger Zeit Gerüchte über eine Paintball Umsetzung für die X-Box Spielekonsole. Nun gibt es von eine Erklärung des defintiv ein Spiel in Arbeit ist. Es scheint als hätte Flagpull damit etwas (in einer ungeklärten Art und Weise) zu tun. Weiterhin bitten sie die Online Gemeinde E-Mail Fragen zum Spiel in Zukunft zu unterlassen.Orginaltext von -Ok…stop e-mailing about this.YES there is an X-box game coming out dedicated to paintball.YES we may know a lot about it.NO we can't give you any more info than we are allowed, which is none.At this point, check the forums, even some pictures are starting to pop up from the game.Until we get something official, or at least confirmation we are allowed to leak anything, you will have to wait.It WILL be worth the wait.

20. Mai 2004

OGI – 03 Mechanical

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 09:50

OGI veröffentlichen die 03 Mechanical. Sie ist ein Closed-Bolt Markierer mit einem Pivot Trigger. Es wird der gleiche Body wie bei der elektronischen 03 verwendet. Die UVP des Markierers liegt in den USA bei 375,- $ und sie ist in den FarbenSchwarz, Rot & Grau erhältlich.

19. Mai 2004

Freeflow – Bild des Anderson Board

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:50

Freeflow haben nun auch ein Bild des neuen Anderson Board für die Matrix veröffentlicht.

PaintballChannel – NPPL S7 Tampa Bericht

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:01

Eine erste Bildergalerie des NPPL Super 7 Series Event in Tampa gibt es beim Paintballchannel. Weitere Bildergalerien, sowie Berichte werden auf der Websitedes Paintballchannel folgen.

Mittwoch Bericht
Mittwoch Bildergalerie

PB2X – Interview mit Chris LaSoya

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 21:40

Paintball 2 Xtremes haben ein Interview mit Chris LaSoya geführt. Seines ZeichenTeamcaptain von Infamous (ehemals Miami Effect).

PB2X: Has the entire team left the NXL? If so, why?
Chris: The entire team is in the process of leaving the NXL. Things change in paintball all of the time and this is just another change. People are making a big deal out of this for some reason but it is nothing new. We have simply decided to play other tournaments.

PB2X: What are the team's plans for the remainder of the year?
Chris: The team plans to play the remainder of the Super Sevens, DivisionOne XBall, and some of the Millenium. We were planning on going over to Amsterdambut now that this came up it is going to be a rocky couple of weeks for someof us.

PB2X: Has leaving the NXL caused any problems with your sponsors?
Chris: We have not actually left yet so I am not sure what is going tohappen with some of them. I am pretty confident that we will retain all of oursponsors but it does suck that they put time and money into the Effect name andnow we are changing our name.

PB2X: Hasleaving the NXL caused any problems with the PSP promoters?
Chris: I am not sure yet. It is not like they didn't know we were goingto bounce. They saw this coming and just told us the repercussions. I don't thinkthey are mad but they are sticking to what they said they would do and suspendingus form the NXL for one year I am assuming.

PB2X: One criticism of the move I have heard is that it should have beendone before the season started. What would you say to those critics?
Chris: I say that we as a team believed in the NXL. They said they weresupposed to get a deal in place by a certain time period and they failed to producetherefore we are leaving. We are not leaving because we are mad or we are tryingto prove a point and there are no hard feelings between any one. It is reallysimple we had said last year what we needed to stay in the league and they couldnot produce results by the time period that we had set in our mind.

PB2X: How competitive do you expect the team to be in the NPPL seven-manand in the Millennium Series if you are planning to play those events?
Chris: It is really hard to say. We have not played seven-man in so longthat I could not even remember when to show up and how the schedule worked. Iactually had to ask. I believe that we have strong players on the team and wewill continue to play strong. I guess we will find out.

PB2X: Arethe inconsistencies within the PSP/NXL rules/regulations a problem? In otherwords, now some companies are owning two teams? The commissioner works for theleague's owner/founder, it was rumored that there are no hard regulations inwriting to disallow NXL teams to play the NPPL, etc…are some of the problemsthe fault of the PSP itself?
Chris: With the rules and regulations that the NXL govern it is hardto tell who is right and who is wrong. Mike Ratko is doing an excellent job andRichmond has never got involved with Mike and his job. As far as Smart Partsowning two teams I think that it is a loophole somewhere. I know when we triedthat with National they were like no way so I am confused but it does not reallymatter to me now.

PB2X: Do you feel the PSP is starting to lose ground to the NPPL andMillennium Series? If so, why?
Chris: No, the PSP is a solid league. I think that the Super Seven hasput a lot of heart into what they are doing and they spare no expense to makeit look great. It is like the difference of a person that has a brand new carfor the first time and a person that has had the same car for years. The personwith a new car pays more attention to the details as to where the other personjust washes it because it is dirty.

PB2X: What does the PSP do right in your opinion?
Chris: The owners of the PSP have been in paintball since the beginningof time. I mean look at Jerry Bran. I don't think that he has trimmed his hairsince he saw a paintball for the first time. The years of experience are countlessso they know how to make money and keep it going. They have a few great locationsand are making an effort to get some structure in paintball. They are going inthe right direction but they are trying too hard too fast. I just wish they couldcombine leagues and then everyone would be making out. The ones who are hurtin a relationship like this are always the players. The relationship betweenthe PSP and the Super 7 is like a old divorced couple. No one wants to give inso we are all caught in the middle.

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