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12. März 2004

Nexus – Directors Cut

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 19:30

Wie bereits hier angekündigt gibt es eine neue Eclipse eBlade Nexus Cocker. Sie nennt sich Nexus Directors Cut und hat neben einem veränderten Milling, einen neuen Trigger, einen etwasleichteren Body und ist in neuen Farben erhältlich.

In Huntington Beach kann man sie sich am Eclipse Stand anschauen.

NPPL geht gegen Cheater Boards vor

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:06

Da das elektronische Cheaten immer mehr zunimmt und sich immer mehr Spieler mit technischen Tricks unerlaubt Vorteile verschaffen geht die NPPL scharf dagegen vor. In Zukunft kann eine Paintballgun auf dem Spielfeld beim einchronen überprüft werden. Dabei soll das entwickelte Gerät sämtliche Turbo, Fullauto, Rampings, Dwelltime-Erhöhungen oder ähnliches entdecken.Wie notwendig dieser Schritt ist zeigen zum Beispiel Videos die auf dieser Seite runterzuladen sind. Hier kann der e-cheater ein Zusatzboard für sämtliche e-pneus erstehen das einen versteckten Fullauto Modus ermöglicht.Der Orginal Pressetext der NPPL von Phil Dominguez:We at the NPPL are working hard to insure the safety of everyone that attends our events, from the player, support personal, spectators and our Staff we need to maintain a safe enviorment. We feel that markers that dont comply with our rules and regulation pose a possible danger to anyone that comes in contact with the marker when not in use on the field during a game. We have developed a devise that is connected to a bullistic chronograph, that will count trigger pulls, how many balls fired and detect ramping, speed, and even the dwell. Those of you that get caught will be going home, your team will go home, and your points taken away. You have been warned, It is strongly suggested that all you captains attend the captain's meeting as there are a number of rule changes. For those of you that don't feel that a cheater gun is an accident waiting to happen, let me explain. The barrel condom you are required to put on your gun is only designed to stop the first ball. and some are better than others, so lets say that you just got off the field and you set your gun down in the staging area and some one touches the trigger for what ever reason and the gun goes off into some cheater mode and shoots twenty balls into the staging area, some one is going to lose a eye or worse. how many times have you set your marker down and it fired?The guns that have D-bounce can be fixed without the use of a computer, what were looking for is a board on any gun that will send more balls then trigger pulls and ramp up the speed at the same time, you know if you had a cheater board installed or not, they dont sell them off the shelf. This robot was designed by our scrutineer who is a licensed registered engineer, who has designed two guns. With this robot you will be able to set how many times you want the trigger to be pulled and then the robot will count how many balls were fired and at what speed they left the gun up to as many pulls of the trigger that he dials up. The chronograph judge is trained to inspect while checking you into the field, If he finds a questionable marker he will contact the scrutineer and then it will be determend then how far the testing goes by Dave. In short, if you have one leave it at home, its not worth getting caught or having a person get injured when it goes off like a machine gun laying on the table when someone bumps the gun.

„Tag der offenen Tür“ 04 bei CD-sportz

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 13:28

Alle interessierten Paintballer der Schweiz und des angrenzenden Auslands treffen sich hier, um ab zu checken was es dieses Jahr so an Neuheiten gibt. Unter anderem werden schweizer Teams wie; Flaghunters, Vipers, Patriots, Rodeurs, Red Dragons, Capital, Bugs, Consilium Dei, CD-Next und deutsche Teams wie; FreakShow, Crazy Monks und Splat Ants vor Ort sein um gemeinsam mit allen anderen Paintballbegeisterten die Saison 04 einzuläuten.Der „Tag der offenen Tür“ findet am Samstag (13. März 2004) von 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr statt.Wie letztes Jahr wird auch dieses mal wieder einiges geboten. Präsentiert werden die 04er Neuheiten von JT, BrassEagle, Viewloader und WDP, wobei es sich bei einigen Produkten noch um seltene Prototypen handelt. Angel-Crack Ruben Steinhauser „Tingel Tangel Bob“, wird für euch ein Angel-Spezial durchführen (Die Präsentation beginnt um 14.00 Uhr). Gezeigt wird alles über die verschiedenen Produktionsstadien der Angel und deren technischen Auswirkungen, ideale und individuelle Einstellungen und Analysen möglicher Probleme. Des weiteren wird als Besonderheit der engländer Paul Martindeal(SmartParts-Spezialist) extra bei uns zu Gast sein. Er wird die neue Shocker mit all deren Updates und verschiedenen Boltkits, die Impulse und deren Abwandlungen, und das neue MaxFlow Luftsystem präsentieren (Die Präsentation beginnt um 15.30 Uhr). Und bei den anwesenden Turnierteams sind sicherlich einige Spieler dabei, die eure allgemeinen Fragen gerne beantworten und euch den ein oder anderen Tip dazu geben.Freigetränke und was zu Essen ist natürlich auch alles inklusive und kostet euch nichts. Nur Zeit solltet ihr mitbringen, denn es wird bestimmt sehr lehrreich und spaßig!„BE PART OF IT“Aus Richtung Luzern:N14 Richtung Zürich bis Ende Autobahn (vor Sihlbrugg),bei Ampel rechts Richtung Baar,*Aus Richtung Zürich/Chur:über Sihlbrugg, Richtung Luzern VOR Autobahn N14bei Ampel links Richtung Baar,** beim ersten Kreisel rechts, wieder rechts auf den Parkplatz der Lego, hier könnt ihr das Auto abstellen.

„Cheater“ Boards

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:08

Die NPPL schaut jetzt vestärkt nach „Cheater“ Boards. Es wurde ein Spezielles Gerät entwickelt das die Trigger-Pulls und die Anzahl der verschossenen Bälle vergleicht. Ausserdem soll das Geräte die Geschwindigkeit, das „Ramping“ und auch die Dwell messen können. Die Meldung im Original. Zitat:——————————————————————————–NPPL Targets „Cheater“ Boards We at the NPPL are working hard to insure the safety of everyone that attends our events, from the player, support personal, spectators and our Staff we need to maintain a safe enviorment. We feel that markers that dont comply with our rules and regulation pose a possible danger to anyone that comes in contact with the marker when not in use on the field during a game. We have developed a devise that is connected to a bullistic chronograph, that will count trigger pulls, how many balls fired and detect ramping, speed, and even the dwell. Those of you that get caught will be going home, your team will go home, and your points taken away. You have been warned, It is strongly suggested that all you captains attend the captain's meeting as there are a number of rule changes. For those of you that don't feel that a cheater gun is an accident waiting to happen, let me explain. The barrel condom you are required to put on your gun is only designed to stop the first ball. and some are better than others, so lets say that you just got off the field and you set your gun down in the staging area and some one touches the trigger for what ever reason and the gun goes off into some cheater mode and shoots twenty balls into the staging area, some one is going to lose a eye or worse. how many times have you set your marker down and it fired? The guns that have D-bounce can be fixed without the use of a computer, what were looking for is a board on any gun that will send more balls then trigger pulls and ramp up the speed at the same time, you know if you had a cheater board installed or not, they dont sell them off the shelf. This robot was designed by our scrutineer who is a licensed registered engineer, who has designed two guns. With this robot you will be able to set how many times you want the trigger to be pulled and then the robot will count how many balls were fired and at what speed they left the gun up to as many pulls of the trigger that he dials up. The chronograph judge is trained to inspect while checking you into the field, If he finds a questionable marker he will contact the scrutineer and then it will be determend then how far the testing goes by Dave. In short, if you have one leave it at home, its not worth getting caught or having a person get injured when it goes off like a machine gun laying on the table when someone bumps the gun By Phil Dominguez (Quelle bei

11. März 2004

Crossfire sponsern Avalanche

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 11:13

Team Avalanche hat mit Crossfire einen neuen Sponsor. Avalanche werden mit Luftsystemendes Unternehmen ausgestattet. Dazu die Original Pressemitteilung:

Team Avalanche has agreed to shoot Crossfire Air Systems for the 2004 season.

„The team wanted to shoot a high quality screw in, and Crossfire was our first choice,“ said Owner Ed Poorman.

„The Crossfire bottles are cool because I love my balls being blown, said Avalanche's ever-colorful Aaron Morris. „But seriously, Crossfire bottles are cool because it is lightweight, durable and the most consistent air system I have seen.“

Avalanche field Captain David Bains agreed. „They are the only tank that I've used over the years that can take a beating every weekend and still work great,“ said Bains. „We are playing 13 events this year, so that's important.“

Morris wanted to get one last pop in for the quality of the Crossfire Systems; „It blows my balls so that my girl has time to go shopping,“ noted Morris. „I am a straight guy with straight balls thanks to my Crossfire Air System.“

Team Avalanche is also sponsored by Empire, National Paintball Supply, V-Force, Draxxus, NXE, Warped Sportz, Lucky 15, Dark FT Shoes, and Function.

Avalanche was using Crossfire Air Systems this past weekend at the Division I X-Ball competition at PSP, in Pomona, California.

Specific terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Interview mit Carmen Borgia (Redz Hurricanes)

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:56

Und die NPPL führt das nächste Interview, dieses Mal mit Carmen Borgia vom TeamRedz Hurricanes.

Well straight away I'd like to know how the „Redz Hurricanes“ transition happened.
Lots of good things contributed to Redz signing The Hurricanes, but the main catalyst was my existing relationship with Jeff Stein.  I met Jeff at the Amateur Open in '98, and I found that his leadership skills and ability to be super-organized were what immediately caught my attention. In '01 the Hurricanes started practicing against the team I was on at the time, Ground Zero, and in '02 I saw Jeff almost every time we had a practice, which further cemented our rapport.  I saw Jeff wanting to build something for himself and for The Hurricanes, and he was 1000% committed (my kinda guy).  In August '03 Jeff e-mailed me and asked if I wanted to become one of the Hurricanes' sponsors, and I dovetailed his offer with, „How would you like to be the Redz Hurricanes, with Redz as the major sponsor of the team?“  I thinkyou know his answer.

Will this team replace the old Redz Factory Team or will some of those 2003 athletes remain on this roster?
The answer is YES!!! They will be the flagship team for Redz.  They will be sporting the latest and greatest in packs, pads, clothing, and accessories.  I did re-sign two players from the old Redz Factory squad — Tony „Ice“ Savage and Isaac Kriens (the team maniac).  In Tony, I find that his ability to walk and set the fields up, along with his open-mindedness, experience, and ability to close games were excellent traits to bring aboard.  Isaac, who does not possess the words „can't“ and „no“ in his vocabulary, along with his mid-insert abilities, gained a spot on the team for those reasons.  If I ask Isaac to take the other team's 40-yard line, his answer is, „I'll beat him to his own spot and take his wallet.“  That is what I look for inplayers: dedication, commitment, and confidence.

What sponsors are tied to this team and in what way?
Of course, Redz is the main sponsor.  National Paintball stepped up with Diablo paint and JT/VLoader/VL jumped on with their line of products.  CustomSports Gear provided our team jerseys in a pinch.

What are the plans for 2004 for the Redz Hurricanes? (sponsorships, events, and any extras such as camps, etc.)
The Redz Hurricanes will be participating in all five of the Super-7 NPPL events, and we'll also try to do some PSP events.  As far as camps and clinics, I will try to have something put together at our favorite practice field, Del Hobbies in New Jersey ( ,ask for Tom or Dan – great people).

What goals do the Hurricanes hold for this season?  What are your personal goals with the team?
A team goal is to match some youth and speed (within the Hurricanes) with the experience and wisdom of Redz Factory.  This should round us out in all areas and further our goals as we become a respectable and fierce competitor.Of course, the standard answer would be, „THE FIRST PLACE FINISH.“

My personal goals….Well now, let's just say I am having a birthday…
I am forty, focused, as „Angry“ as a junkyard dog, and I have the will to go the distance and play the best ball I know. The real goal here is to bring these kids to the Promised Paintball Land. The fun I missed in the past is now here, and I will savor it all year and then some.

How long have you been with Redz, and what is your current role there?
I've been with Redz since the inception of the company over five years ago, and I was the first
employee.  I've worn the first prototype Comfort Pack ever, and now I am wearing the latest Dimension Pack system.  My title here is Vice President, which involves sales, product development, purchasing etc.  Essentially,I oversee the entire operation and direction of Redz International.

How does team owner, Jeff Stein, feel about this transition? What will his role be with the team?  What will your role be with the team?
Jeff is the team owner/General Manager who is running the Hurricanes as an LLC.  He is very happy for his kids/Hurricanes and the opportunity to make his dreams of building a team and competing at the top level happen.  Jeff will keep the team extremely organized, informed, and will handle the team's budget, finances, etc.

My role as team captain will be to share my experience, competitive edge, and tenacity („The Angry“) with the team. I've played all three positions (front, mid, and now back/quarterback position), and from that vantage point, I can direct the team throughout a match and help oversee success.  Jeff has provided me with some great clay (team members) to work with, and it's been my dream to captain and coach a team from the nov or am status to the highest level of competition. 

Together, we'll both arrive at our goals and, I hope, succeed far beyond what our original goals were at the time of this article.

What would you like us to know about the Redz Hurricanes?
Watch them closely.  They're going places.  They've got the drive and desire.  Just like in Mardi Gras, be careful of the Hurricanes or they will bite you right in the ass! 

Please list your expected roster for the 2004 season.
Zack Ducharme, Greg „Buddy“ Hintorne, Steve „Son“ Dabilis, Rob Landry, Brian Gigliotti, Isaac Kriens, Tony „Ice“ Savage, Tim Maher, Field Captain, Carmen „The Angry“ Borgia, Captain & Coach, Jeff Stein, Team Owner & General Manager

I want to thank my new teammates and owner, Jeff Stein, for this opportunityand for believing in me as a player, captain, and friend. Thanks guys!

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