"The All-Time Greatest Issue" – so haben die Macher der PGI ihr neustes Werk genannt (Ausgabe # 185). Der Inhalt der aktuellen Ausgabe:
Gun Reviews: Octane Shocker, Racegun Halfblock and Korrupt Assassin on test
Posse: Street culture Paintball. Check out what the phattest tribes be wearingthis season.
XRoads: Robbo asks, 'Where now for the NXL'?
Masterclass: Movement – how to get from A to B without getting shot by C.
Dr Max: Get you Paintball-specific strength training workout here
The Art of Distraction: Micah McGlocklin reveals the tactics that are takingXSV back to the top
HK Army on steering your remote control killing machines
Who Da Fan: Who to stalk, how to stalk them – your one-way ticket to Paintball'sfirst restraining order is here!
Tournament reports from PSP Chicago, Amsterdam Millennium and the South AmericanChampionships
Plus regional leagues uncovered, last-man tactics, Louise 'Mmmmmm' Alicic, Viewfrom the Deadbox, and all the latest gear, gossip and, er, gorgonzola that wecould dig up.