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9. Juni 2004

Tippman gekauft

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 18:57

Wie 68Caliber.Com meldet wurde Tippmann von dem Unternehmen Summit Partners gekauft. Der Deal soll wohl diesen Freitag perfekt gemaacht werden und wir können dann sicher mit weitern Informationen rechnen. Der englische Orginaltext von 68Caliber:A confidential informant very close to the Tippmanns has come forward to report that Tippmann has been bought by Summit Partners, a $5.5 Billion dollar corporation. As part of the acquisition, the Tippmann family will be kept on as minority partners to assist running the company. Leading salespeople have been asked to remain on as well. The deal will consumate this Friday. More information as it becomes available. © Copyright 2004, 68Caliber.Com

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