Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

21. April 2004

NBK Reborn

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:37

Die Spieler die Anfang des Jahres von NBK zu Hardcore wechselten sind nun wieder zu NBK zurückgekehrt und das Team bereitet sich mit Hilfe der Firma Draxxus auf die kommende Seasion in 2005 vor. Wir werden sehen ob das bekannte Team an seine alten Leistungen anknüpfen kann. Der schreibt folgendes zum „neuen“ Team NBK:NBK Reborn The core of players who left Pro team NBK to join Hardcore earlier this year, ended up leaving Hardcore shortly afterward. And they have now decided breathe new life into NBK, who recently teamed up with DraXxuS ti kick start their return to the podium.NBK will use this season to build the team into winning shape for the 2005 season, and will mostly compete nationally in Norway…but look out for these guys, they might end up beating you in a tournament in the near future.The team now consists of the four core players that originally formed NBK – the brothers Frithjof and Nicolay, Alex and Are – plus some players that left up and coming team JustRed at the end of the 2003 season – Per , André, Ove.Good luck to the new Norwegian bombers and we look forward to see you chucking some paint around in 2005.

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