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28. August 2003

Millennium Series – Enemy weiterhin gebannt

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 18:29

Bei den Maxs Masters 2003 wurden beide Enemy Teams für 1 Jahr gesperrt. Dies geschah deshalb, weil beide Teams ein Spiel untereinander abgesprochen haben und dies laut Reglement nicht erlaubt ist. Die Spieler von Enemy haben daraufhin versucht bei anderen Teams zu spielen, dies ist ihnen aber nicht gestattet da nicht nur die beiden Teamnamen gebannt sind, sondern die Spieler selber auch.

Das Millennium Series Disciplinary Committee war darüber nicht erfreut und so wurde nun eine härtere Strafe verhängt.

Hier der Originaltext von der Millennium Series:
Due to the continued attempts by various ex-Enemy players to avoid the
punishment that was handed down by the Disciplinary committee, and the fact
that no players have done anything to appeal/explain what occured at Maxs
Masters we have made the following decsions:

1) The following players are banned UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE:
Jerome Lecuyer
Cedric Caroff
Nicolas Portzent
Sylvain Jousset
Jerome Beilvert
Guillaume Dewilde
Pol De Kermadec
Rene Arzel
David Duro
Florent Dufaye
Thomas Chretienne
Ludvic Gallard
Samuel Wielemans
Oliver Kuijper
Julien Dessevre

2) None of these players will be re-instated until we know exactly what
happened, who was involved and what each person involved had to do with what
happened. They can only be re-instated by the MS Disciplinary Committee – NO

3) In order for any player to be considered for re-instatement, we will require
their player ID number from their "Enemy ID" – if they do not have that then a
picture where we can see their face. A written explanation will also be

4) Once we can figure out who was involved (everyone will be accounted for, not
just some of the players) – then the punishment will continue. If players
involved have not played since Maxs then the ban will be as originally stated.
If they have played after Maxs – then the punishement will be more.

5) Beginning with the Campaign Cup, any teams who play with any of the players
listed above will be held accountable. They will lose whatever games/results
they have played with those player(s) and the team captain will be sanctioned
by the Disciplinary Committee.

6) Basically, until ALL the players help clear up what has happened ALL the
players will be remain banned.

Thankfully – beginning at the Campaign Cup all players who are either
registering as new, or are transferring their registration to another team will
be required to produce a valid picture I.D. This will help in process of
keeping track of registration and players trying to circumnavigate the system.

On behalf of the MS Disciplinary Committee


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