Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

21. August 2003

Dynasty und Chuck gehen getrennte Wege.

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 13:51

Dynasty und Chuck Hendsch gehen seit gestern getrennte Wege. Zu diesem Zweck wurde gestern eine Pressemitteilung rausgegeben, die wir nun hier in Originalform veröffentlichen.

Press Release 8-20-03

Team Dynasty began in 2001 with the help of Chuck Hendsch. For the past year Chuck Hendsch has focused more on his position as President of the National Professional Paintball League, and because of this his involvement with Team Dynasty has diminished. Chuck Hendsch and Team Dynasty have decided to part ways and Dynasty has become a fully team run entity, this leaves the Team to restructure under the name Dynasty Paintball Club, LLC. This has been a work in progress for quite some time now and all of the details have been worked out and it is official that Dynasty is now a team-run entity, with no ties to any political parties. As of now the team is governed as a complete democracy and has no individual owner. Dynasty, as well as Chuck, believe that this is the best way to move forward and continue relations as a non-political team. Part of Dynasty's future plans include supporting their current sponsors JT USA, WDP, GAP, as well as negotiating new deals with outside sponsors to allow the team to support their rigorous tournament and training schedule, as the team will be dealing directly with their sponsors. As for Chuck, he will be focusing completely on the NPPL and he had this to say; " Dynasty has developed into a very strong organization where each player contributes to the overall success of the Team. Today, I believe my current position, as President of the National Professional Paintball League (NPPL) does not leave me the time nor the resources needed to run a team. Furthermore I feel as president of the NPPL I should not have any direct affiliation with a team or sponsor in the league. My goal is promote each and every team in the League equally." In the first step towards a new future, Dynasty will be coming out with their own line of paintballs with the help of their current paint sponsor, GAP. The paint will be the exact same stuff that the team uses, right down to that lovely fruity smell. Keep checking in on the website for further information,, as well as the new website, Furthermore, if you'd like to contact Dynasty you can do so at [email protected], or by mail at:

Dynasty Paintball Club, LLC
PO BOX 15426
San Diego, Ca.

-Team Dynasty.


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