Die PSP hällt in der Chicago Area eine Referee Certification Clinic ab bei der man sich zum PSP Referee ausbilden lassen kann. Durch die Teilnahme an der Clinic wird allerdings nicht automatisch gewährleistet das man auch auf einem PSP Event zum Marshall berufen wird. Man kann sich lediglich die Notwendige Qualifikation dafür erarbeiten:
· Chicago Area Referee Certification Clinic
Here's another chance for you to become part of the continually growing PSP Certified Referee Program! The Chicago Area Ref Clinic will take place at Chicagoland Paintball May 27th & 28th.
What: PSP Official Referee Certification, 2 day Clinic
When: May 27th and 28th, 2006
Where: Chicagoland Paintball – www.chicagoland-paintball.com
Register: ALL attendees must pre-register online @ www.pspevents.com
Cost: $85.00
Class Limit: 40 people
Suggested minimum age: 16
Clinic includes:
– Classroom training
– Topics covered will include but aren't limited to: rules, positioning, safety, & attitude.
– Written test on PSP rules & in-game situations
– On field training, both days!
– Performance evaluation in key areas
– PSP Referee I.D. Card
– PSP rulebook, including Divisional X-Ball, 5-Man, and Young Guns
– Certificate of clinic completion*
Agenda: (Bring your gear and be prepared to ref games on both Saturday & Sunday)
– Check-in begins at Noon, classroom training to begin at 12:30 PM, clinic
ends at 6:00 PM
– Classroom training begins at Noon, clinic ends at 4:00 PM
Registration for the Chicago Area Referee Certification Clinic will open online at www.pspevents.com at 6pm central time on Thursday, May 18th, 2006.
If all spots are not filled before the clinic, limited walkup registration MAY be available. Any questions can be directed to clinics@pspevents.com (Walkup registration fees must be paid in cash on the first day of the clinic.)
*Attendance/participation in a PSP certification clinic does not guarantee that you will be called upon to judge a national event for the PSP.