Rocky Knuth hat eine neue Software geschrieben und sie auf einen DM4/5/C Chip gepackt. Der sogenannte Hip Chip bietet euch alle Features die man von den Tunings Boards kennt. Also die Standard Einstellungen plus 13 Firemodes um allen Ligaregelwerken gerecht zu werden. Die Featureliste liest sich so:- Specifically designed for all DM4/5/C chip compatible boards with extended dwell range and automatic bolt delay adjustment for first class support of all marker types- Extensive set of tournament and recreational firing modes with configurable mode modifiers for custom tournament and breakout modes. 13 MODES!!!- Highly accurate ROF indicator reads out the maximum BPS achieved based on a moving average during a string- Four eye modes for delayed shot, dropped shot with clearing shot, eye check bypass for full speed dry-fire testing, disabled for markers without eyes or damaged eyes- Seven LED color palettes to choose from- Advanced power saving logic dims indicator and eye LEDs to dramatically reduce power draw during idle periods- Full adjustability of dwell, trigger debounce, paint delay, mechanical debounce, first shot drop-off, ROF, ROF fine adjust, bypass ROF, ramp start point, ramp level, burst count, shot modifiers, auto shutdown timer, and seven color palettes- On demand battery level indicator and automatic low level indication- On demand selection of bypass and disabled eye modes- Automatic bad membrane pad detection- Full LED status indication of breech, pad and trigger inputs- Automatic blocked eye detection with configurable ROF reduction and recoveryPreislich ist mit etwas $60 zu rechnen was sicher im normalen Rahmen liegt.
3. Februar 2006
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