Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

19. Juli 2005


Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:16

Wicked Air Aportz veröffentlicht ihr neues micro-Equalizer Universal-Board. Das µEQ soll in jedem Markierer funktionieren und unterscheidet sich jeweils nur im Kabelbaum. Durch die sehr kleine Bauform sollte es auch wirklich in jeden Markierer passen. Die Größe des Boards auf den Bildern soll sich beim Produktionsmodell noch einmal halbieren.[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq1.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq2.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq3.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq4.jpg[/img]Über die genauen Features ist noch nichts bekannt es sollen aber in der nächsten Zeit weitere Infos zum EQ veröffentlicht werden:While the competition is still trying to play catch-up with our technology, and are busy copying things that we invented (trigger programming, Debounce(tm), Forced Eye Modes, etc.) we have been taking hardware to the next level.The µEQ(tm) [micro-Equalizer] is the latest hardware that we are close to releasing. This hardware features a CPU that is twice as fast as anything we previously have used, offering a hardware level trigger scan rate of an unprecedented 2 million times per second! The pictures shown above are of an early prototype that is nearly twice the size as our current model!This new board is a universal board. Simple header plugs for whatever application you might need (DM4, Intimidator, Viking, Shocker, etc.) will be readily available. By using a single board for all markers, we can keep the cost of the board down due to the large volume. The various header plugs will be priced based on their complexity. We hope to keep the board itself in the sub-$50 range!Remote updating will be possible using our new patent-pending communication interface. This interface offers a simple wireless solution for updating boards, obtaining information, and tweaking settings. A simple plug-on adapter for the Equalink will be available. No more opening the grip.Of course, all of the normal features that you come to expect from Equalizer boards will be part of the standard programming.

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