Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

11. Januar 2005

Game with Fame: Pro Paintballers

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:10

Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball ist wahrlich ein Erfolg und befindet sich in der weltweiten XBOX Live Rangliste auf dem neunten Platz, in den Vereinigten Staaten liegt es sogar auf dem achten Rang.

Am Donnerstag den 13. Januar kann man mit Greg Hastings, Alex Fraige, Pete Utschig, Keely Watson, Oliver Lang und Nicky Cuba GHTP auf XBOX Live spielen.

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Game with Fame:
Pro Paintballers

Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball is a big hit with Xbox Live™ members—just check the Top 25 Games List. If you're a fan of the game or have wanted to try it, then Thursday, January 13, 2005, is your lucky day!

Greg Hastings himself, along with other pro paintballers—including Chris LaSoya, Keely Watson, Alex Fraige, Pete “Mr. U” Utschig, Oliver Lang, and Nicky Cuba—will be playing on Xbox Live from 5:00 to 6:00 P.M. Eastern (2:00 to 3:00 P.M. Pacific). Look for the Gamertags ProPaintballer1 and ProPaintballer2 .

About Greg Hastings
Greg „Red“ Hastings has been an avid paintball player for 18 years. He started his playing career just before entering into the Submarine Service in 1988. He served on the U.S.S. Gato (SSN 615) as SONAR supervisor and senior SCUBA diver during the Persian Gulf War and received two Southwest Asia Campaign Medals among others.

After he was honorably discharged in 1994, Hastings started his international tournament level career. He was a member of the World Champion Ground Zero team and also played for Bob Long's Ironmen. Hastings is a world-class product designer for companies such as R7 Inc. He now plays for Brimstone Smoke. In his free time, Greg enjoys bass fishing.

In August 2002, Greg conceived the idea for a paintball game on Xbox. He partnered with his friends Jeff Connelly, Sky Kensok, Patrick Moynihan, and their team at The Whole Experience (WXP), a videogame developer based in Seattle, Wash. Greg also brought together a team of the top professional paintball players to be featured in the game, with the goal of providing them an opportunity to develop their careers and promote the sport of paintball.

After 30 trips to Seattle from his home in New Jersey in a little more than two years, Greg's vision of an Xbox paintball game was realized with the launch of Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball . Based on the initial strong sales, this title is expected to go Platinum on Xbox.

The game has received positive reviews from many gaming sites, including a nomination by GameSpot for Most Surprisingly Good Game of 2004. The game is also popular on Xbox Live .

About Keely Watson
Keely Watson started playing paintball with her family more than 10 years ago. Her first team was appropriately named „The Family.“ She has also played for Team Maxim and the all-female Femmes Fatales.

Recently graduating from the University of San Diego with degrees in both Spanish and communications, Watson is now working for Paintball Sports Promotions doing event planning, marketing, and public relations.

Watson is the spokesmodel for Dye Precision and has produced her own calendar for the last two years. In addition, she models outside of paintball and has worked for companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Audi, and Maxim in both the United States and Hong Kong.

About Pete “Mr. U” Utschig
Pete “Mr. U” Utschig first played paintball in the woods with his friends at age 15. In the same year, Mr. U began playing tournament paintball and joined the New York-based pro team Ground Zero at age 17. While playing with Ground Zero, Mr. U won the World Championship and the Millennium Series.

Mr. U graduated from Mercy College in New York with a degree in elementary education. He was teaching special education students in middle school and continuing his education at Columbia University Graduate School in 2001. Following the tragedy of September 11, Mr. U left his job teaching, interrupted his paintball career, and entered the New York City Fire Academy.

He is currently stationed at Engine 16 Ladder 7 and plays for New York Extreme, which changed their name from Ground Zero after September 11.

About Chris LaSoya
Chris LaSoya was first introduced to paintball more than 18 years ago by his father. He has played for several of the top teams, including All Americans, Washington Reign, Chicago Aftershock, Image, Avalanche, and Miami Effect. LaSoya has won World Championships and tournaments around the globe, including major tournaments in eight different countries.

LaSoya now plays on the team that he owns, Team Infamous. On the side, he produces concerts and enjoys snowboarding.

About Alex Fraige
Alex Fraige grew up in Northern California playing paintball with his friends and teammates Oliver Lang, Ryan Greenspan, and Josh Rau. Alex is the backbone, founder, owner, and captain of Team Dynasty, which has won the National Professional Paintball League (NPPL) series championship in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Team Dynasty also competes internationally and has won the Millennium Series in Europe.

Alex loves punk rock, paintball, and video games. As demonstrated by the mohawk on his Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball character, Alex has a rebellious spirit.

About Oliver Lang
Oliver Lang played for the legendary Ironmen team at age 17. The Ironmen are the only paintball team to win the World Cup and NPPL series championship in the same year. In 2002, Oliver rejoined his friends and helped start Team Dynasty.

Oliver has received the Player of the Year Award in 2000, 2002, 2003, and 2004. With his tournament prize money and paintball clinics, Oliver has been fortunate to make a career in paintball. He loves the sport more than anything. It is his passion and pleasure.

About Nicky Cuba
Nicky Cuba started playing paintball when he was 11 years old. He was lucky enough to grow up next to a paintball store that was 10 feet from his house, which helped keep him out of trouble and focus on playing paintball and his schoolwork.

Nicky won the World Championship playing with Ground Zero in 2001. With his buddies Rich Telford and Matty Marshall, Nicky helped to form the team XSV, which was the number-two-ranked team in the 2004 NPPL season standings. Nicky enjoys traveling with his friends and playing basketball in his spare time.

If you get the chance to play against the paintball masters, we want to hear about it! E-mail [email protected] and tell us what happened. Don't forget to include your Gamertag and hometown

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