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3. September 2004

Dynasty & Entourage – II.

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:57 hat ein paar weitergehende Details zur auftrennung von Dynasty in zwei Teams. Es wird keine festen Aufstellungen geben und die Spieler werden wohl komplett durch die Teams rotieren. Über Sinn, Unsinn und Aufteilung der Teams:The purpose of the 2nd team is to give ever player on Dynasty's roster an opportunity to compete at a tournament level on a consistent basis. Players on Entourage will compete in the semi-pro division of the NPPL in 2005, with the goal of qualifying for Pro for 2006. In addition to the NPPL schedule, Entourage will compete in 2 Millenium Series events as well as fill the roster for Dynasty's Division I XBall team.Some quotes from our Dynasty spy, Rodney Squires:“Dynasty Entourage’s mission for 2005 will be to bring new talent into Dynasty’s fold and produce top professional athletes. The practice schedule for 2005 looks to be changing for Dynasty. Players will now be practicing mid week at a new training location yet to be determined. Dynasty’s commitment to continue being the best will hit a new gear in 2005.““The players will be rotated thru both teams. There is no 'like I am on Dynasty and you're on Entourage going on here' This is all one family.“

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